1. Just because someone writes about a subject matter or includes it in a sexually mature work does not mean it is "fetishizing" something. Grow tf up.
2. Idfc if you have OCD or not it doesn't give you the right to hurl insults and false allegations towards someone. I'm autistic with CPTSD and a whole laundry list of disorders. You don't see me bitching like a lil fucking baby.
3. No one is fetishizing you personally 'cause no one knows who tf you are. Cut it with the weird tiktok psychosis where just 'cause you relate to something somehow that automatically means it's about you. News flash; the rest of the world doesn't fucking care lol
I hope you'll understand my point.
1. It's not including sexually mature work alongside ocd that is fetishizing. It's the way it's done. Kurose literally approaches the guy bc of his ocd.
It's how shirotani facing his ocd sexually. How it turns kurose on, that shirotani is so pure yet lets him stain him.
It's portrayed as hot, that shirotani is doing all these dirty things despite his ocd.
2. What false allegations? And what insult? Except towards the characters?
3. It's very obvious that I wasn't speaking about me personally but about me as a part of people with ocd. Like i said the author is fetshizing ocd. Poeple with ocd. And the thought that someone looked at what people like me go through every day and said "wow i think i have to write porn about that" is revolting to me and if you really have no empathy for that I'm at a loss for words.
I'd like to ask you one thing. What is your opinion of sia's movie "music" or how it's called? As someone on the spectrum
Kurose belongs in jail, his license should be revoked, if I were to support the death sentence it'd be cause of him.
I want a restraining order against the author like tf u fetishizing me