Don`t Quit! there's hundred of people probably cosplaying the same character as you, and if you made it yourself, you prob took a lot of effort to make it, but if you bought it, it prob cost a lot of money. There's billions of people in the world who probably have the same fav colour and fashion sense as you. Keep doing what you love or else you will regret not perusing your passion! Don`t quit what you love to do because of one person, you probably look awesome when you cosplay!!!!
oh my god thank u so much .. i actually have decided to quit and i dont know if i will come back, hopefully i will :D not only because of him but its been very boring lately (at least for me) and a lot of filipino cosplayers are very toxic, majority of filipino cosplayers have the same mindset as that guy :( i also dont have the time to cosplay and its really hot in the philippines -- i cant find cosplaying fun anymore, its just not as fun as when i first started. thank u for the comforting words though! ill focus on myself instead of cosplay, for now.
i wanna quit cosplaying bc some socially transman ruined it all for me, he literally embarrassed me by posting abt me on social media lmfao and his friend at the comment section was hyping him. the issue wasnt even that big tbh, he just got mad bc he thinks im copying him i just wanna be myself? how tf am i copying u if i cosplayed the same character as u, same fav color as u, same fashion sense?
should i quit? im thinking abt it very hard. but it's a 60/40