Godo is such an asshole

Witchery April 26, 2024 4:06 am

Godo literally declared his hatred for all serpents within 5 minutes, deliberately exacerbated racial tensions, then berated them for not working well as an integrated team. Then he had the audacity to gripe at Sawahyun for failing to properly teach them while he was away. Nobody expects everyone to magically be best buddies after such a long and bloody war, but everyone was reasonably respectful, cooperative, and friendly until he started shit for no reason.

    MarieCurie August 17, 2024 3:19 am

    These are exactly my thoughts and I find the defenses of him I've seen a bit strange. Like he was full on a violent racist and that was just kinda...brushed past by many people? I'm wondering if I should continue this bc he pissed me off pretty bad lol

    Witchery August 17, 2024 6:01 am

    He definitely plays more of an antagonistic role so far. I think there’s also an issue of trauma from the war. Any racism is embedded with a lot of loss, ptsd, and tensions which came from the fact that they were all actively trying to kill each other recently. There really hasn’t been any time to cool down or heal. That doesn’t mean they have a blank check to do whatever they want though.
    I thought it was really compelling that the author showed many different sides of the cultural exchange and racial tensions. Neither side is depicted as a monolith. Some people are able to bond, heal, and collaborate more quickly than others. Most stories simplify those conflicts to a ridiculous degree or just don’t include them at all.
    I still think it’s worth continuing because the author/story is definitely not condoning or glorifying his mentality, but rather using his antagonistic nature to flesh out conflicts that occur in real life from many different angles.

    MarieCurie August 17, 2024 9:35 pm
    He definitely plays more of an antagonistic role so far. I think there’s also an issue of trauma from the war. Any racism is embedded with a lot of loss, ptsd, and tensions which came from the fact that they ... Witchery

    eh I understand but I don't really feel like putting my thoughts into words my mind isn't working today. I didn't like the way it was written up to where I stopped because I felt like none of the other characters gave a damn about the things he said and did. There's not way NONE of them wouldn't say something and it just really rubbed me the wrong way. The fact that he continues this behavior is also frustrating. I like when actions have consequences and I don't know if I really want to see a "redemption arc" the way that they're usually written; nothing really changes they just "grow as a person" and it's just accepted.

    MarieCurie August 17, 2024 9:39 pm
    He definitely plays more of an antagonistic role so far. I think there’s also an issue of trauma from the war. Any racism is embedded with a lot of loss, ptsd, and tensions which came from the fact that they ... Witchery

    I know things are more complicated than just expecting someone not to hold a bias after a bloody battle, but that doesn't give him an excuse to use his position to do and say the things that he did. He himself can make his own decisions as to whether he wants to continue to hate them or not, but his behavior should not be accepted in a workplace such as this, especially when others have been able to coexist. There will always be tension the psychology of it is complicated but my main gripe comes from the fact that he goes out of his way to discriminate against a whole race of people which in turn just ended up causing more issues. For me it just felt like the behavior went on for far too long unchecked.

    Witchery August 18, 2024 2:21 am

    That’s fair, but remember that he is one of the top ten most powerful people in his nation both politically, magically, and physically. He’s also regarded as a war hero. It’s not easy to speak out against someone who is known to be volatile, has a lot of power over you (and in general), and really can’t be avoided or removed from his position.
    Even though peace has been negotiated there is definitely still tension, so both nations would want to maintain a strong front to avoid looking weak/vulnerable. Godo is literally irreplaceable because there are so few others that possess his level of skill and power.
    Also remember that Godo is not the mc, so his growth is less of a focus, so he is more of an example of the other end of the spectrum.
    The serpent and avian nations are made up of different races and they have been at war for centuries. It’s unfortunate, but the identities of their enemies have been mixed up in hostility. It’s unrealistic for there to be no racism during/after such a conflict, but the author has really done a good job of showing the students learn how to break down barriers, accept other cultures, and release harmful mindsets. Of course there are always disrupters who refuse to get on board and cause trouble

    MarieCurie August 18, 2024 3:16 am
    That’s fair, but remember that he is one of the top ten most powerful people in his nation both politically, magically, and physically. He’s also regarded as a war hero. It’s not easy to speak out against... Witchery

    I understand all that but it doesn't change the fact that it's frustrating to watch and puts me off reading the story. I just don't think it's for me.