but we DO see how they normally are?? In the first two chapters they were very close and would walk to school together. Kana smiled at Naho's bedhead, which showed that he liked Naho. I don't think it's fair to say that Kana caused the gossip. The gossip started because Naho was honestly being cringe and kept calling himself cute. Kana was popular, so people thought Naho was being annoying and just followed Kana around.
What Kana did do wrong is say that Naho was average to his friends

that was still talking shit about him honestly, he knew damn well the guy had a complex with his appearance and did all that bc he was damn possessive. how would u even call him a friend if he never once considered how the guy would feel if he (naho) found out that was how he was talking about him behind his damn back just cuz he doesnt want others to get close to him. he may not have started the rumors or the gossiping, but he literally fanned the flame

it's true that it was wrong of kana to call him average behind his back. I don't think he ever did fan the flame. The rumors never got worse because of what Kana said. What Kana did was wrong, but I also don't think it's fair to discredit his entire character because of this dumb shit he did. A lot of the hate towards Kana is not just bc of this shit he said but also because of what people mistakenly think Kana (and his friends) did.

what character, his entire character was literally obsessing over naho and trying to destroy his social life (i mean, his friends just wanted to know more about naho?) plus, all the hate towards him literally started with those words. this shit would have honestly been saved without him trying to talk shit about his friend cus that’s not what u fucking do to a friend even if you don’t consider them as a romantic interest.

reading back at the story again I will apoligize for being ruff on Kana but we shouldn't normalize taking advantage of someones complex, being cute is a BIG thing for Naho.
so I was picturing how Naho wouldve felt. His whole life hes been called cute, only for the person closet to him to call him average.That mustve been soul crushing.
And I feel like he had more impact than fanning the flame. Since the first chapter I think that was when the flame started and it just kept building, thanks to the others for egging on Naho.
And to mention, since the first chapter when Kana jeolously started to show Naho mistook it for dislike.And when Naho started to get more insecure, Kana calling him average felt like it confirmed it all.
So when the ending came it just felt like lovebombing to me.(sorry for sounding rude I didn't mean to give that impression)

I don't agree, We only really seen it in chapter one but in chapter too it really just fades off and it feels like Naho is the really one trying when it all could've been resolved if Kana explained why he was being so distant in the start.
And I think its hyprcytical to say Naho started all the rumors himself when Kana and his family boosted his self esteem by complimenting how cute he his so, of course he's gonna call himself cute since that's been his whole life.
And Kana was popular so don't you think his opinion of Naho can affect how others see him? Kana didnt even help out Naho when his friends thought he was confessing to Kana over and over.
And we do see the sweet moments where the childhood friends show but there's so little of them I just end up feeling bad for Naho.

it really could have been. like nothing felt sincere with the whole resolution part and kana got away way too easily in the part where he literally freaking ruined naho’s years worth of self esteem. with the way they brushed off their conflict, i feel like it would’ve simply resurfaced once they faced another.
What?? Naho didn't deserve all the teasing and gossip that was caused BY Kana, kana literally joined in on the gossip behind his back and he thought wouldn't find out?
I wish we would've had more backstory so we know how they normally are or see more Kana to see what he was thinking.
I just don't see Kana and Naho dating. BUT I did really enjoy this it was a nice change of pace!