You're just a desensitized person tryna make it seem like I'm weird because you feel called out for liking Jinx. You're forgetting a real human wrote this shit so ofc I'm going to have a problem with it. If your dick gets hard for reading this shit its fine, but if I get angry its a problem?? Make it make sense. Yet no one has combatted anything I wrote.

毛明悦 Why are you personally attacking people over your opinion? Can you not have a conversation without attacks and insults? Can you communicate better.
The story is fake. Emera is a real person. HoneyBunnyBaby is a real person and your comments don't make sense to what they are saying. Did you take time to understand or just yapping at anything?
You are allowed to hate this story. Jaekyung is fake. Jinx is fake. You are attacking people over a story you dropped in chapter 12. Why are you here? To just harm people?
Your toxicity is real. You should not be making others feel wrong because of your views on a story.

"I hate him so much. I HATE him."
Many haters shares that believe. You are allowed to hate him. And people are allowed to like or love him.
"What the FUCK is wrong with this man."
I am asking that about you and how you are treating others. The others really did not say much for how you are treating them.
"First off, this (omit) abused the sex worker he was previously with and slams his HEAD into a WALL (the STRONGEST boxer btw) and slut shames him.
Do you read the scene closely. The sex worker was sexually assaulted and Jaekyung did nothing. It was not until .... what did the sex worker say that triggered Jaekyung? Jaekyung was standing still for 2 or 3 mins? Thing you need to understand this is in other chapters.
Jaekyung was most likely bullied as a kid.
Why did the sex worker not leave when Jaekyung has repeatedly told him to leave? Why did the sex worker sexually assault him when Jaekyung did not want to be touch? Why did the sex worker verbally attack? It seems you are neglecting things. And from how you are acting towards others you would call him the same if you were in the same position or worse.
"This ogre is a classist bum and a fucking idiot."
Your opinion and many others.
"Dan rushes over when he hears 5k," He would have rushed over anyway. He was waiting on that call.
"he begs for more money,: he asks for more money.
"he lives in the ghetto, his street has protest banners all over it,"
Maybe I never pay attention.
"and he’s calling out for his grandma (NOT EVEN HIS PARENTS) while drunk."
I am drawing a blank on when this happened. His parents don't seem to be in the picture. They could have passed away when he was born or something. If they are gone and his grandma raised him why would he call out for this parents?
"Yet this nigga can’t put the pieces together." How do you know something that you don't know? The pieces could fit together differently for other people.
"HE HAS 10-PACK ABS BUT NO BRAIN." he has a brain.
"His head is tiny as fuck for a reason. I haaaatttteee him. I fucking hate him. I’m only on chapter 12 but I can’t do it anymore."
Your opinion. He will save Dan from an attempt gang rape. He will pay for his grandma's bill. There is more of the story to try to understand him.
" I’ve delayed reading this shit but I’ve started and it’s everything I feared and worse. "
...ummm.. okay?
"He has not only sexually abused Dan who was a virgin, but has bullied him and shamed him relentlessly while threatening actual violence on him."
Yes, but that threat was empty and he told him to go home after that.
I hope you can treat people better since you can understand a character who is a victim. Do you hate Jaekyung because he reminds you of you?
Jaekyung and Dan are end game. It will get better for Dan in the next part. While he is irredeemable to you, he is redeemable. I suggest you read more toxic stories. This is nothing compared to others. If you are so against verbally abuse why are you using it?

YOU ARE WRONG What do you not understand? Stop being so butt-hurt over my ow fucking opinion. You can’t convince me to respect your repulsive, nasty opinion. Y’all are just BL lovers through-and-through and y’all can’t discern right and wrong. But if this was a GL you’d suddenly have morals. The author is a real person too and I don’t fuck with them.
I hate him so much. I HATE him. What the FUCK is wrong with this man. First off, this nigga abused the sex worker he was previously with and slams his HEAD into a WALL (the STRONGEST boxer btw) and slut shames him. HOW ARE YOU GONNA BE THE CLIENT OF A SEX WORKER AND THEN CALL HIM A WHORE WHEN YOU'RE THE FAGGOT THATS PAYING FOR BUSSY??? This ogre is a classist bum and a fucking idiot. Dan rushes over when he hears 5k, he begs for more money, he lives in the ghetto, his street has protest banners all over it, and he’s calling out for his grandma (NOT EVEN HIS PARENTS) while drunk. Yet this nigga can’t put the pieces together. HE HAS 10-PACK ABS BUT NO BRAIN. His head is tiny as fuck for a reason. I haaaatttteee him. I fucking hate him. I’m only on chapter 12 but I can’t do it anymore. I’ve delayed reading this shit but I’ve started and it’s everything I feared and worse. He has not only sexually abused Dan who was a virgin, but has bullied him and shamed him relentlessly while threatening actual violence on him. 14-15 bands isn’t much for him if he’s dishing it out easily. I don’t care what anyone says. I hope things get better for Dan because I am on the brink of tears. I feel so bad for him. The black haired guy is irredeemable for me. I hope there is another love interest. If things get better for Dan I’ll continue reading it but if he serves as the author’s punching bag, I can’t continue.