Ngl i dont get why dokja hated his mom so much its quite dumb to be honest

Midnight April 25, 2024 9:15 pm

Ngl i dont get why dokja hated his mom so much its quite dumb to be honest

    AnonymousFudanshi April 25, 2024 10:51 pm

    he was severely bullied to the point of almost killing himself because his mother published a book about his life and she also never talked to him whenever he would visit her. its understandable why he hated her so much but its sad at the same time cuz his mother was just trying to protect him

    omori April 25, 2024 10:55 pm

    psychologically, he was a kid. a boy so young would’ve needed something to target all of that negativity towards and considering all he had was himself and his mom, he chose his mom. this is further corroborated by the fact that the incident with his father’s death was so traumatic he was subjected to dissociative amnesia, and had no chose but to except the truth as was given to him by his mother. not even including the horrible feeling of having that trauma written and published.

    it is sad and frustrating to see dokja hate and blame his mother so much, since she was also a victim, but ultimately it comes down to the fact that dokja was so young. his brain wasn’t developed enough to properly handle the trauma thus he accepted a false reality that was less painful than the truth

    it is dumb, but the brain tends to do stupid things, especially when it’s not fully developed :/

    Thalia April 26, 2024 12:02 am

    cuz hes a fucking pussy

    mochi April 26, 2024 3:26 am
    cuz hes a fucking pussy Thalia

    you have to look at it in his perspective to understand in the light novel he even says "I could bear to be the child of a murderer. However, it is different to be sold as a story. It is a different matter when my life was turned into money by someone." and this "(Because of this, Kim Dokja hates his mother. This is what human emotions are like. There is no magic that will heal all wounds just because someone else has a deep wound as well.)"

    Thalia April 26, 2024 12:09 pm
    you have to look at it in his perspective to understand in the light novel he even says "I could bear to be the child of a murderer. However, it is different to be sold as a story. It is a different matter whe... mochi

    oh boohoo his mom wrote an autobiography

    Alisyia April 26, 2024 4:53 pm
    oh boohoo his mom wrote an autobiography Thalia

    Tf is wrong with you as someone who's getting abused by my own father all the time (and even got stabbed once), I'm okay with someone else knowing my story or even supporting, but when it's widely known by others it's a diff story. You feel like you're exposed to the whole world and they know ur weakness. And in Dokja's case, he felts used by his own mom for money. Get this. If your parents died, and you find that very depressing but at the same time your relatives or anyone close to you uses that thing, your story to get income, wouldn't you fell like shit?

    Sarah April 26, 2024 5:40 pm
    Tf is wrong with you as someone who's getting abused by my own father all the time (and even got stabbed once), I'm okay with someone else knowing my story or even supporting, but when it's widely known by othe... Alisyia

    Don’t bother replying I’m sure they understand but just wanna act stupid in the comms

    Midnight April 26, 2024 10:18 pm
    Tf is wrong with you as someone who's getting abused by my own father all the time (and even got stabbed once), I'm okay with someone else knowing my story or even supporting, but when it's widely known by othe... Alisyia

    Im sorry for u man :((
    And i forgot that he thought his mom used him for money

    Thalia April 27, 2024 3:27 am
    Tf is wrong with you as someone who's getting abused by my own father all the time (and even got stabbed once), I'm okay with someone else knowing my story or even supporting, but when it's widely known by othe... Alisyia

    sorry that happened to you but this is a fictional story bro

    Midnight April 27, 2024 8:30 pm
    sorry that happened to you but this is a fictional story bro Thalia


    mochi April 28, 2024 2:14 am
    Tf is wrong with you as someone who's getting abused by my own father all the time (and even got stabbed once), I'm okay with someone else knowing my story or even supporting, but when it's widely known by othe... Alisyia

    exactly!!! someone who understands, also sorry that happened to u

    Alisyia April 29, 2024 2:28 am
    sorry that happened to you but this is a fictional story bro Thalia

    Girlie, fiction is always the way of an author to express their dream or what they think is right to life. One may have a different understanding in their life it's normal. Not everyone should live by only one standard. I hope you get what I'm trying to say. Not everyone has the same personality. For ex, someone might be able to fight back when they're getting assaulted because of their strong will. But someone else might not be able to do so because they're not strong enough.

    That's what make the characters different from each other. Even though they ARE fictional, they also have their own personalities that set them apart from each other. Remember, Dokja was a CHILD, he got no one to turn to, he couldn't find anyone to express his anger on life to. His situation, his family situation, all of his rage. So, he chose his mom.

    Alisyia April 29, 2024 2:29 am
    Don’t bother replying I’m sure they understand but just wanna act stupid in the comms Sarah

    Fr I get some ppl r just like this I would usually ignore this kind of comment too but I just couldn't this time loll

    Thalia April 29, 2024 4:47 am
    Girlie, fiction is always the way of an author to express their dream or what they think is right to life. One may have a different understanding in their life it's normal. Not everyone should live by only one ... Alisyia

    im not trying to say that coping w trauma by blaming someone else is not a thing, im trying to say i dont give a fuck abt dokja's feelings or trauma cuz he's a book character

    Lethe April 29, 2024 2:56 pm
    im not trying to say that coping w trauma by blaming someone else is not a thing, im trying to say i dont give a fuck abt dokja's feelings or trauma cuz he's a book character Thalia

    We get it, you’re used to 1 dimensional cardboard cut out characters. Dont take your lack of media literacy on us bro, you’re the one hating on a book character, and you clearly have enough feelings about it to call him a pussy

    Thalia April 30, 2024 12:08 pm
    We get it, you’re used to 1 dimensional cardboard cut out characters. Dont take your lack of media literacy on us bro, you’re the one hating on a book character, and you clearly have enough feelings about i... Lethe

    are you offended on dokja's behalf that i called him a pussy

    Lethe April 30, 2024 11:38 pm
    are you offended on dokja's behalf that i called him a pussy Thalia

    No, but I find it funny that you want me to be

    Alisyia May 5, 2024 5:11 am
    im not trying to say that coping w trauma by blaming someone else is not a thing, im trying to say i dont give a fuck abt dokja's feelings or trauma cuz he's a book character Thalia

    Lmao not giving a fuck about his trauma "because he's a book character" makes it obvious how ignorant you are. But whatever makes u sleep at night<33

    Thalia May 5, 2024 4:29 pm
    Lmao not giving a fuck about his trauma "because he's a book character" makes it obvious how ignorant you are. But whatever makes u sleep at night<33 Alisyia

    oh waaaaahhhhh waaahhhhhhh im crying im so sad abt dokja's trauma wahhahhhhh boohooo awahahhhh

    Lethe May 5, 2024 10:49 pm
    oh waaaaahhhhh waaahhhhhhh im crying im so sad abt dokja's trauma wahhahhhhh boohooo awahahhhh Thalia

    Is this a kink? I dont kinkshame