Buy the book and learn to read Japanese? That's what I did, though not in that order...
The boat scene is a very critical scene and turning point in their relationship from the comic's portrayal of it. I'd love to know more of Asami's perspective. I wish I could get my hands on a copy of it, even if I have to painstakingly translate every word myself. I'm studying Japanese, but I'm very much not up to that level yet :( Do they even sell/ship international? Does anyone know?
I bought mine from Amazon.jp, but shipping can be very expensive.
oh noooooo not more rape ffs ;____;
Yeah. Poor baby Kuroda. I guess that Asami will fucking kill them.
he fuckin will, im sure of it. now we know why kuroda is so loyal to him. still sad :'(
I understand it completely now, too. Poor my baby lawyer. ╥﹏╥
that crappy of ayano is not happy if not always gets in the way rape
It was sad enough that Fei was almost raped in Finder no Rakuin, but now even a gang rape that almost killed the poor Kuroda. This is more than I'm usually able to tolerate.
I managed to find a used copy on Amazon. I'm at work and super lazy so didn't want to open a .jp account, but I guess I'll have to work on that. Still working on digging up other shopping sources. This was a helpful link... http://japanesetease.net/guide-where-to-buy-japanese-manga-and-books/
So, does Asami love Akihito or is he just going after "what is his"?
Aki raped in volume one, volume three, volume four. Fei raped in Finder No Rakuin. Now y'all shocked and shit that Kuroda gets raped in this novel. Like where ya been all this time? It's like you keep ordering chocolate chip ice cream and then bitch because there's chocolate chips in it.
Thanks for the heads up, Anon, at least I'm prepared now. I was thinking it might have been something like either of the two being forced/blackmailed to give the barbershop guy a blowjob (Akihito style), but did not quite expect that, so I'm glad you forewarned me/us. ... and suddenly I'm glad there are no pictures in that novel. Poor Kuroda...
For one the plot point wears thin on the sixth or seventh application. For two, nothing in the manga prepares you for this rape. Because three, while Yamane wrote the plot, Satoshi Ai wrote the details, and is entirely different from any scenes Yamane drew. Read the novelization of chapter one, then read this rape scene. These ain't our Momma's chocolate chips.
Amazon.jp definitely sells and ships internationally, and if you go to the top of the amazon.jp page and click on the little pulldown menue where it says "JP", you can switch the entire amazon.jp page to English.
This is the novel and if I click on it, it tells me it can be shipped to my country (in Europe).
You can also find the shipping rates for the international regions here:
BUT: Depending on where you live, it might be quicker, easier and cheaper to go through amazon.co.uk (amazon.com has the novel, too, but it's much more expensive), amazon.de has it, too, but it's not available at the moment. So you would have to compare prices and see what's more covenient/cheaper for you. Really depends on where you live and what the delivery rates would be. But with the GBP being so weak, amazon.co.uk seems like a pretty good deal: 20.47 GBP plus PP. And international delivery rates really aren't that bad and amazon.co.uk, too, ships internationally:
Here is the novel on amazon.co.uk and amazon.com:
So if you are really interested, I would take the amazon.co.uk price plus PP for your country and compare it to the amazon.jp price plus PP for your country and then decide. But with the amazon.jp page switched to English, ordering is no problem, either.
Did you seriously just compare rape to chocolate chips?
No. I compared a story element in a fucking fictional book to chocolate chips. Get over yourself.
Probably it has a completely different taste from our Mommy's usually style. A gang rape depiction is difficult to digest, less detailed the better.
Hi, Silencia, I posted a superlong reply last night with several links, but I guess mangago didn't publish that because the many links made it look like spam or maybe it was because it had several amazon links, lol. Anyway: I'll try giving you the info again, this time without any links:
1. amazon.jp definitely sells and ships internationally. And when you go to the amazon.up site in the upper right corner you can click on the pulldown menue where the little "JP" is and switch the entire site to "English". You can then look for the novel by copy pasting 小説 ファインダーの蒼炎 - that's the novel title - into the search box and it will show up. You can also scroll down and check the international delivery rates.
2. BUT: A cheaper and easier option might be to order through amazon.co.uk (amazon.com has it, too, but it's much more expensive). If you go there and again enter 小説 ファインダーの蒼炎 in the search box, the novel will show up. It's GBP 20.72 plus PP (and international standard shipment isn't that expensive).
3. So what I would do is take the Yen price on amazon.jp plus delivery rates to your country and compare it to the one on amazon.co.uk (which also sells and ships internationally). And then just pick the one that's cheaper.
4. Other "amazon's" like amazon.de (thats the German Amazon) have it, too. It's 19.00 EUR plus PP, they, too, ship internationally. And there, you can also change the language of the site. Just go to amazon.de click on the little "DE" at the top of the page, select "English" in the pulldown menue and the entire page will show up in English. And again, enter 小説 ファインダーの蒼炎 in the search box and the novel will show up.
Hope this helps and you will find a suitable option. :) If you live in Europe, I certainly would order through amazon.co.uk oder amazon.de, rather than amazon.jp.
EDIT: Sorry, the one on amazon.de is a "used" copy offered on Amazon Marketplace, so forget about that one. But the offer on amazon.co.uk is definitely for the NEW version (not second hand). So I'd compare the price + PP for amazon.co.uk versus amazon.jp and pick the cheaper one. :)
Chapter 4 - SPOILERS
Really not much happening in that one. But some interesting bits of info:
- Asami doesn't currently live with his dad. And it's also not clear where he stays, exactly, and whether the parents are separated or maybe his mother his dead. Completely unclear. His dad's men ask him to "go back" (not specifying where that is), but he refuses.
- It's interesting how adult Asami and adult Kuroda seem to have followed into their father's foodsteps. Asami's dad is described in the novel as "worse than the Yakuza, a man who has huge influence in the world of business and politics" (which is exactly how Asami is described in the character profile). And in the novel it says that Kuroda's dad is a high-ranking judge and that he is trying to become head of the Supreme Court. So Kuroda followed his dad into the legal profession just as Asami followed his dad into the shady world of mingling with the head honchos in business/politics.
- Remember when I said I was hoping there might be a connection to the book that Asami gives to Kuroda as a gift in the novel? Well, it seems I was right about that: Kuroda is interested in a book, a foreign novel, and when he spots it in a bookshop, he bumps into Asami who eventually buys the book for himself, but promises to lend it to Kuroda in a few days time, right before Kuroda has to leave for cram school. But then the last line of the chapter says that "that promise was not going to be fulfilled"...
So it seems that one, "stuff" is going to happen within the next chapters (aka shit is going to hit the fan) and two, I think that Asami, because of what's going to happen, will never get around to lend Kuroda the book as he had promised to - and that this is the very book that Asami gives to Kuroda in the manga that night at the penthouse when Kurodo says "You still remembered". :)
P.S.: If anyone wants me to NOT post these little bits of info, because they find it's too spoilery, please say so. I'm deliberately trying not to give away the plot and I also won't be doing summaries, just post some odd new facts that might be interesting. Hope that's okay.