It's so boring. SPOILER
Every other page, there's a recap of why the thugs are extorting money from Kuroda. Yeah, we got it the first fifty times. Thanks.
Yeah, I know what you're mean, it's getting a bit repetetive at the moment, isn't it? That's why I hope the whole "promise that would never be fulfilled" thing indicates that all hell will start to break loose as of chapter 5 - or that at least something is starting to move-...ish. ;) I also have no idea how many chapters there will be total. So it's hard to say how far into the novel we actually are. What's your guess, anon? 15 chapters? More? Less?
This is actually still chapter two. Translator is just breaking it down into parts because it's so long. She said that chapter two is "most of the book," so it's hard to say how much is left.
Lol, yeah, I realises when I checked Finder no Rakuin earlier. ;) But I was referring to the summary chapters on the LJ group. As Anonymous pointed out, they are splitting the big chapters up into smaller ones. :)
You're welcome, Silencia. :)
Gosh, you are right, of course. I had completely forgotten about the fact that she had split chapters into smaller portions. Yes, hard to tell that way. Oh, well, wel'll see. :)
Oops, sorry, forgot to type in my name earlier, so system made me an "anon". Last four posts are mine. :)
I thank you for the info. It is nice to know these facts at least , since buying it in Eng. is out.
I've read the whole book. Some things are answered for you later. It's already said though that Asami is living with his Mom. About the book, it's not the same book that Kuroda gets in the manga. About the length, it sounds like you're about halfway through. There are two explicit scenes, a very disgusting one that is coming up next, and one in the epilogue (chapter 3) that is Asami's POV of the chapter where he and Akihito have reunion sex on that boat. It is *very* revealing about Asami's feelings.
I was really hoping we'd be free from any disgusting stuff, at least in this novel but I guess not. :( I hope it's not too overboard, do you mind sharing what it is briefly? Thanks for sharing the info anyway.
That's not chapter 4, that's part four of chapter 2 ... chapter 2 is really long so it's broken into parts. I know you're summarizing their summaries but did you get permission to use their work?
Thanks for the info, Anon! :) Yes, about halfway through is what I thought, too. Re: the disgusting scene, I have a sick feeling who this is about (barbershop guy?)... Ugh. About Asami's living circumstances, you're absolutely right, of course, I forgot he said that he reads whatever is in his mom's study. Re: not the same book: Ah, interesting, thanks! :) Pitty, though. That would have tied in nicely with the manga. Ah, well.
I have a bad feeling. Maybe the thugs will try to rape Kuroda's sister or the same Kuroda. I hope it won't be so much disgusting.
Kuroda is brutally, and I mean brutally gang-raped to almost the point of death. I was sickened reading it. The writer did not have to take it even half as far as she did. It was horrible.
It's a real burden being right so often. Poor Kuroda. ╥﹏╥ ╥﹏╥
Chapter 4 - SPOILERS
Really not much happening in that one. But some interesting bits of info:
- Asami doesn't currently live with his dad. And it's also not clear where he stays, exactly, and whether the parents are separated or maybe his mother his dead. Completely unclear. His dad's men ask him to "go back" (not specifying where that is), but he refuses.
- It's interesting how adult Asami and adult Kuroda seem to have followed into their father's foodsteps. Asami's dad is described in the novel as "worse than the Yakuza, a man who has huge influence in the world of business and politics" (which is exactly how Asami is described in the character profile). And in the novel it says that Kuroda's dad is a high-ranking judge and that he is trying to become head of the Supreme Court. So Kuroda followed his dad into the legal profession just as Asami followed his dad into the shady world of mingling with the head honchos in business/politics.
- Remember when I said I was hoping there might be a connection to the book that Asami gives to Kuroda as a gift in the novel? Well, it seems I was right about that: Kuroda is interested in a book, a foreign novel, and when he spots it in a bookshop, he bumps into Asami who eventually buys the book for himself, but promises to lend it to Kuroda in a few days time, right before Kuroda has to leave for cram school. But then the last line of the chapter says that "that promise was not going to be fulfilled"...
So it seems that one, "stuff" is going to happen within the next chapters (aka shit is going to hit the fan) and two, I think that Asami, because of what's going to happen, will never get around to lend Kuroda the book as he had promised to - and that this is the very book that Asami gives to Kuroda in the manga that night at the penthouse when Kurodo says "You still remembered". :)
P.S.: If anyone wants me to NOT post these little bits of info, because they find it's too spoilery, please say so. I'm deliberately trying not to give away the plot and I also won't be doing summaries, just post some odd new facts that might be interesting. Hope that's okay.