legitimately no reason to run away considering they were already married. that shit came o...

AnonHatesCanonSometimes April 25, 2024 2:26 pm

legitimately no reason to run away considering they were already married. that shit came off as attention seeking not to mention he stole the guy's baby...it would make more sense if the seme dude was stringing him along and saying he didn't want to become a pair w/o being married but he married him, disavowed not only that lunatic piece of shit brother, but also his evil family. what more do you want? the uke is awful for taking the baby away. low self esteem is not enough for a character to be forgiven for some heinous shit like that. that was weird

    Mika April 28, 2024 12:50 am

    Wow i haven't even read it yet, however reading this managed to make my blood boil, like 'the running away for no reason' is one thing BUT taking the baby too?

    I'm so glad i read the comments first lol
    at least now i know what I'm getting myself into if i ever decide to read it.

    ivory1008 July 27, 2024 3:52 am
    Wow i haven't even read it yet, however reading this managed to make my blood boil, like 'the running away for no reason' is one thing BUT taking the baby too? I'm so glad i read the comments first lol at least... Mika

    for what it’s worth, the baby had not been born yet and the alpha was not aware of its existence.

    Aki August 6, 2024 10:03 am
    Wow i haven't even read it yet, however reading this managed to make my blood boil, like 'the running away for no reason' is one thing BUT taking the baby too? I'm so glad i read the comments first lol at least... Mika

    Hmm well you would have to understand from the omegas pov. In his eyes it just seemed like alpha was pitying him. They might be married but that was to help the omega after he had intercourse with him. Plus he’s used to the thought of “I’m just an omega. It’s ok if I get hurt and abused” shit and believes that being with the alpha is too good to be true and stuff. Omega bottom isn’t the only one. Many other omegas are treated like shit. Honestly should read and understand the story first. Would maybe help u understand better. Although I don’t really understand why he left tbh because I’ve never experienced what the bottom has experienced and stuff but I can imagine some what and try to be in his shoe to see what he would probably feel like.

    Aki August 6, 2024 10:09 am

    Idk. It’s his baby too. He probably didn’t want the top to have to deal with things. He was already considering divorcing the top. Probably has to do with how the top refuses to admit himself as an alpha and the omega felt like the top was just pitying him and didn’t want to bind the top cuz of marriage and stuff and want him to be happy or smth.

    Plus there are many people (irl) and other stories where the characters hide away with their baby too not just this one.

    My low intelligence not helping rn☠

    AnonHatesCanonSometimes August 6, 2024 10:19 am
    Hmm well you would have to understand from the omegas pov. In his eyes it just seemed like alpha was pitying him. They might be married but that was to help the omega after he had intercourse with him. Plus he�... Aki

    There's understanding and there's being blind to wrong. I read and was sympathetic to the omega's low self esteem and battered syndrome but stealing someone's child is another thing. It is wrong to keep things to yourself when the person who is working with you to fix things is doing their best. There's a right way to do things and a wrong way, there's an endless amount of factors for why he did what he did, but at the end of the day it was wrong to throw away/misuse/ignore his husband's kindness, especially by going to his estranged brother for help. It all ended well because they loved each other in the end, but the fact is what he did was take the guy's kid and ignored the husband's feelings, which are just as important as his.

    Aki August 6, 2024 10:25 am
    There's understanding and there's being blind to wrong. I read and was sympathetic to the omega's low self esteem and battered syndrome but stealing someone's child is another thing. It is wrong to keep things ... AnonHatesCanonSometimes

    That’s true.

    ivory1008 August 6, 2024 1:39 pm
    There's understanding and there's being blind to wrong. I read and was sympathetic to the omega's low self esteem and battered syndrome but stealing someone's child is another thing. It is wrong to keep things ... AnonHatesCanonSometimes

    to be fair—remember how their relationship started out? there’s no way of knowing whether or not his “kindness” actually meant something. you only have the privilege of labeling it as kindness because we the readers have looked into his head. for someone who was subject to manipulation via false kindness, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to trust ML wholeheartedly again

    AnonHatesCanonSometimes August 6, 2024 7:22 pm
    to be fair—remember how their relationship started out? there’s no way of knowing whether or not his “kindness” actually meant something. you only have the privilege of labeling it as kindness because w... ivory1008

    False kindness, or having distrust in people, is one thing, but the ML was actively making strides for them to have a healthy relationship. I'm not saying he was wrong for not feeling secure in his relationship, it's the way he went about it that was wrong. That's like saying all short ppl are elves just bc their short and celebrate winter holidays. No, they're elves bc they wrap presents and worship Santa. Lol He was wrong for taking their kid and I believe it was attention seeking, or more specifically that he wanted the husband to prove he was legit-even tho he'd already done a lot- bc he didn't consider talking with the husband who, if I'm remembering correctly was fairly nice. It's been a while since I read this and honestly not interested in going back to read it, so it is what it is. Cheers

    ivory1008 August 8, 2024 3:06 am
    False kindness, or having distrust in people, is one thing, but the ML was actively making strides for them to have a healthy relationship. I'm not saying he was wrong for not feeling secure in his relationship... AnonHatesCanonSometimes

    i’m very confused by your analogy and how you thought it related to the topic at hand. we know that it wasn’t attention-seeking behavior because we knew exactly what these characters were thinking at any given time. i don’t particularly understand the need to write your personal projections onto a narrative that’s very explicit with these characters’ true intentions

    ivory1008 August 8, 2024 3:10 am
    False kindness, or having distrust in people, is one thing, but the ML was actively making strides for them to have a healthy relationship. I'm not saying he was wrong for not feeling secure in his relationship... AnonHatesCanonSometimes

    i mean, again, the ML acting nice and supportive and going great lengths for MC was exactly what landed him in this mess to begin with. i truthfully don’t think you have a very strong grasp on how trust works, because trying to earn trust back is not the equivalent of earning it back. it’s important to remember, for your future relationships (as i’m assuming you’re quite young), that strong efforts don’t automatically mean that you’re entitled to your place in the other person’s life, or vice versa.

    ivory1008 August 8, 2024 3:11 am
    False kindness, or having distrust in people, is one thing, but the ML was actively making strides for them to have a healthy relationship. I'm not saying he was wrong for not feeling secure in his relationship... AnonHatesCanonSometimes

    i also don’t have a strong recollection of this manhwa lol, i wasn’t operating under the assumption that we were heavily analyzing it or anything. cheers to you as well!

    AnonHatesCanonSometimes August 8, 2024 11:49 am
    i also don’t have a strong recollection of this manhwa lol, i wasn’t operating under the assumption that we were heavily analyzing it or anything. cheers to you as well! ivory1008

    You've lost the whole plot bruh. I don't even know what you're talking about...as I said and clearly from the date the first comment was posted it's been awhile since I read this manga. I misinterpreted what you said as the omega making assumptions about his husband being an alpha- which if you understood the joke, I was saying is not okay. Maybe take your own advice and don't make assumptions about a person bc you didn't understand their joke. Also what false kindness are you talking about. They both lost their inhibitions in the first chapter except because he is different from all the other guys the omega has been with, he made strides to build a relationship with the omega, after getting married. The omega acknowledges that he's different, that he's nice, that he's trying to make their marriage work. Also all throughout the manga, bc this is a manga not a manhwa, the alpha makes his thoughts known even going as far as sharing his trauma with pairing with omega's bc of his family, who he's ESTRANGED from. Instead of sharing his feelings with his husband, like his husband has been doing, he runs away with their kid to his husband's ESTRANGED brother. In the following comments I made, I said it was wrong that he ran away with their kid and that the way he went about the situation was wrong. He was wrong to do that, not that he's a bad person for how he feels or what he went through. Also at the point he ran away bc his HUSBAND was supposedly pitying him, his husband had already said that he wanted him. At some point it becomes he's just hearing what he wants to hear, and to make matters worse he takes their baby and takes money from the brother who his husband is estranged from. He ran away bc he wanted him to flat out say be my mate, even though, the HUSBAND who doted on him constantly had shared his trauma about mates, so yes to ME it's attention seeking. KANPAI bc I'm messy lol

    ivory1008 August 8, 2024 6:47 pm
    You've lost the whole plot bruh. I don't even know what you're talking about...as I said and clearly from the date the first comment was posted it's been awhile since I read this manga. I misinterpreted what yo... AnonHatesCanonSometimes

    actually you’re right and i thought this discussion was under an entirely different series (hence why i said manhwa) lol. apologies for any previous bluntness, as under my assumption it felt as if you were being entirely incomprehensible lmao

    AnonHatesCanonSometimes August 8, 2024 9:43 pm
    actually you’re right and i thought this discussion was under an entirely different series (hence why i said manhwa) lol. apologies for any previous bluntness, as under my assumption it felt as if you were be... ivory1008

    Don't worry, I'm not upset, I just like discussing literature and being messy