Urgh this is seriously getting stupid The emperor: ranting in front of strangers. Also th...

... April 25, 2024 7:19 am

Urgh this is seriously getting stupid

The emperor: ranting in front of strangers.
Also the emperor: who the hell are these people (sir you are the bloody emperor. How the hell can anyone reach your office without your informed consent unless they are breaking in with a sword)
Yet again the emperor: a second after asking who the strangers are “I have my faith in you”

How the hell did this idiot become an emperor?

Also side characters…let the woman live. Why you guys gotta interfere in Arnee’s life when you all respect her so much.

    anabonnana June 17, 2024 2:04 pm

    He became emperor bc he killed his emperor bro. He's defo stupid that's why he's an usurper.