My thoughts

Sutsot April 25, 2024 4:59 am

Both Jungwon and Yoongyeol saw themselves in Yoowol, both are suffering from pain of losing someone or being the cause of why that person is dead or hurt. However both have different approach.

Jungwon's approach is very abusive and manipulative, because of his upbringing and influence to him, he forced himself to believe that it was the other person's fault why they die and not his, he believed Yoowol is nothing without him and that everything is Yoowol's fault that is why he took it out on him and raped him day by day. He manipulated Yoowol repeatedly, forcing him without letting him think for himself which causes Yoowol to be suicidal and depressing because he believes Jungwon's words.

Yoongyeol's approach is very gentle. He made Yoowol feel assurance and respect, he knew that the past would hurt Yoowol the most and knows that Yoowol is suffering the most, he knew all the hardwork and effort Yoowol put in playing the cello, he knew how much time Yoowol needed to heal. He did not forced himself on Yoowol and always asked for permission, he always give Yoowol space and comfort for him to heal.

Yoowol was right to be mad at Yoongyeol and I'm glad he decided to think for himself first and understand what he truly wanted. Jungwon is a pitiful character and I'm glad he decided to leave Yoowol alone, his love for Yoowol is messed up and twisted fortunately Yoowol rejected him completely.

This story is amazing in its own way. A lot of twist here and there, a lot of frustration and celebration. I'm glad Yoowol and Yoongyeol found themselves and healed together.
