your complaint was about his character not having depth if you want his character to have depth go tell the author to give him a backstory or some shit thats my point. a couple of his thought bubbles being shown isnt the same as portraying his actual perspective. things as simple thought bubbles are almost never written with depth in comics idk what your ass expected
im so tired of authors creating characters that obviously exist to be hated and drive sympathy for the mc. like that assistant has absolutely no depth as a charcater, hes just the typical ,feminine-like (often referred as twink) gay man whose only reason of existence is to mess up the main relationship written into bl stories. the indirect misogyny in bl stories is so funny to see considering the author and majority of readers are women. and u cant even escape from this archetype in shoujo where we have shallow,lazy,misogynist charcaters like rashta. people are not that simple/easily defined, im not saying assholes dont exist in real life but if ur going to write one at least make it realistic.