sometimes when i read these kind of comments like idc if she dies etc.. i wish that you ppl go instead this time in girls place. and i'll watch how you cry before dieing :)

wow, you do realise that this girl is a fictional character right, so you would rather see an actual human being die instead of some two dimensional character?
just wow, there're actually people out there in the world with this frame of mind.
and btw not caring if the character dies or not doesn't mean you're an heartless immoral person who deserves to die it just mean that this character is just not important. period.
she wasn't interesting enough as a character to have a lasting impact on you in order for you to want to see more. nothing more, nothing less.

Preach, and the world will be yours.

If she were nice, I would feel sympathy for her.
She's not.
While I might not wish her death, I still wouldn't shed a tear if she did die.
My thoughts when the two were singing "That girl's gonna die...."