
Anime&manga April 24, 2024 7:36 am

wowoon is treating seoan like he's a damn child that can't handle bad news, its so annoying

    Kallmeaweeb April 24, 2024 8:00 am


    HRAensn May 3, 2024 1:17 am

    It’s not that, the top just isn’t ready to open up I think or just rely on someone because he’s so used to doing it all by himself. Which both need to work on, also it’s funny how the hypocrite bottom got mad at the top for not telling him about his father, but he also didn’t tell the top about going somewhere for a while.

    Neither communicated. That’s the issue. And I’d agree that the bottom is immature at times, his anxiety issues cause issues.

    Anime&manga May 3, 2024 6:12 am
    It’s not that, the top just isn’t ready to open up I think or just rely on someone because he’s so used to doing it all by himself. Which both need to work on, also it’s funny how the hypocrite bottom g... HRAensn

    Woowon is being threatened by his father, and the loan sharks could hurt him if the father keeps taking loans. That’s why I’m saying he needs to let Seoan know about it. 
    Seoan may not tell Woowon that he’s going somewhere, but at least he isn’t in danger.

    HRAensn May 3, 2024 6:18 am
    Woowon is being threatened by his father, and the loan sharks could hurt him if the father keeps taking loans. That’s why I’m saying he needs to let Seoan know about it.  Seoan may not tell Woowon that he�... Anime&manga

    I’m just not agreeing with the power dynamic here, as well as SeoAn’s poor choice of words and his arrogant attitude, and the little selfishness of his. But other than that, I can see and agree that he’s just trying to do good for his partner. But not in the right way.

    He should have told Woowon and discussed this with him thoroughly before hopping over to his father and doing all that. But at the same time, I don’t think Woowon would have wanted him to do it and try to stop him so Seoan didnt tell him, maybe.

    Both need to communicate. End of story.