
Bleurgh April 23, 2024 12:35 am

I don't see how hosung and young ended up together, let's be honest young is a manipulative, sociopath, and narcissistic, not saying he doesn't deserve love but the way he just immediately regretted everything was unbelievable and unnatural, people like him don't just "learn their lesson" cuz the ENTIRE story was about him not listening regretting, he KNEW what he was doing he just didn't care, he is what we call a piece of shit. It's like the author didn't want to make his character completely shit but forgot that what he has done and his personality doesn't allow for that, I am not saying he can't change, but that would take time and honestly someone to beat his ass once or twice or something to really realize the consequences of his actions cuz he DIDN'T GET ANY CONSEQUENCES LIKE AT ALL.

HOSUNG is like the ideal side character with unrequited feelings l. He never pushed his feelings onto taesung, he was there to give good advice, he backed him up when needed, and BELIEVED in taesungs relationship, he deserved better than a piece of shit he had to fix up, I felt he needed someone who wasn't trash and that was a good person, but I guess the author wanted to tie up loose ends up just smacked those two together cus they didn't know what else to do with themm if hosung was also a piece of shit I really wouldn't have cared and said the deserve eachother, but like someone he is way to good of a character for someone elses sloppy piece of ahit seconds

The main couple is cool, nothing to say cuz theor story is already done, just the side characters ending up together was like eating a rally good meal but is has a nasty after taste personality

    Missrwanda June 16, 2024 6:17 pm

    Completely agree I felt really bad for hosung hes an amazing character and deserves a lot better, young on the other hand needs to be shot in the leg and die from bleeding out