If you don't like smut and toxic content, don't read manhwa labeled as such, and then shit on it. That's why genres and tags exist. If you actually read the plot, you'll see it's not as bad as you're making it out to be. It might not be the best compared to what I've read but its one of the most decent one compared to new releases out today.

I already knew about the toxicity going in. That’s not the thing I was talking about. I’m saying what plot??? Bc literally it’s just gets job —> rape —> angry man who doesn’t apologize —> cycle repeats back to rape. If that’s what you’re calling “decent plot” boy you have NOT read enough stories lmaoooo

It appears there's a misunderstanding. While the work is tagged as rape, I interpret it differently, considering that Dan consented to the arrangement with the seme. Although I can't recall if all instances were consensual, that's not my main focus. I'm discussing the decency of the storyline within its genre, not comparing it to other works like "Under the Cherry Blossom." What's truly frustrating is how people, not necessarily you, harass the author and give it a low rating simply because they dislike the toxicity inherent in the genre.

I'm confident I've read enough. Over the years, I've delved into a variety of genres, including BL and novels, so I can discern what makes a good story. Regarding "Jinx," I wouldn't label it as the worst; it's decent. If you've truly gone through the entire comic, you'd recognize there's a depth to the characters' stories, except perhaps for the Seme, whose backstory may unfold in season 2. Again, I stress that within the context of the toxic genre, "Jinx" stands as a decent example. Comparing it to other genres would miss the point I'm making.
Many BL readers these days don't appreciate good storytelling. They prefer unrealistic interactions and overly dramatic characters, which is often toxic but sweet. This might be because many of them are young and see the world differently. They don't recognize good writing and are shallow in their preferences.