well he's offering absolutely nothing to the table. there are girls that like to spoil their men but they still get something out of them. i have yet to see a woman that is the bread winner of the household and does ALL the chores, is the more affectionate one in the relationship thay could stand him for more than a day. if there are any then they are rich RICH women that like younger men and don't even have to do chores. and he's not even submissive he's just a bum btw
he also quite literally mooches off his sister and as she said he did absolutely nothing but laze around and she WORKS, HAS A CHILD AND DOES HOUSEWORK. not to mention he totally expected the guy to make him do NOTHING AT ALL (which is why the guy says sorry i cant cook so instant noodles will do.) so yeah i don't expect what he says in a fit of anger when his sister pesters him about being a bum to be true lol.
oof i wonder just how could any of the girls actually tolerate him for more than one day when he expects them to do everything from providing to cooking to cleaning after his ass. im glad karma bit his ass and now he has to do all the work at house