hold up

Elli11220 April 22, 2024 2:21 am

ok but did he sign the papers to be adopted by the ceo guy? but you guys are dating? youre dating your legal child? youre the same age? what? huh?? WHY WOULD YOU SIGN PAPERS TO BE ADOPTED BY YOUR S/O??? I DONT GET IT???

    ZeroYaoi April 22, 2024 6:17 am

    From what I know, this seems to be common for queer people in places when queer marriage is banned, one adopt the other so they can be family. It is quite weird ngl, but if they want to properly share name and be family this seems to be only option unless they married somewhere where queer marriage is allowed XD

    Zen April 22, 2024 1:25 pm

    They can't get married in Korea, so the only way they get recognized as family is through adoption. They'll have a legal bond and be recognized as family. Its especially important when emergencies happen and when filling out for insurance.

    Elli11220 April 23, 2024 2:16 am

    ohh ok, thank you guys for the clarification! i was so confused thinking this is gonna take a weird turn lmao