I remember that at some point, I wanted Kaname to awaken as avampire again, to see how he would react to all of this... but now, I don't know what I want anymore. Poor guy should have died but was saved. Now, he remembers nothing and is a human. Just what is the best for him at this point ? To remember everything or to stay in blissful ignorance ?

I feel the same :/ I used to watch the anime all the time, play it in the background for over a decade. And now I’m picking this up at 29yrs old only to see the direction this went in is completely different than the one I thought it was heading in I just need closure now fr. Im so sad with how they all end up. This was not cooked right
At this point, I'm just waiting for closure. This is oke of the first manga I read, and here I am, literaly more then 10 years later. I need to make peace with this all. When Yuki and Zero died, a part of me died for this story, and the fact that Kaname is still there, that he remembers nothing is just painful for me. This should be about him living his new human life and all, but all I see is Yuki, who passed away, Zero, who passed away. I don't even know if I wanna see this end, or if I should just drop it. Honestly, am I the only one in this case ? If not, can someone recommend me a story to help me heal up a bit ? Cuz everytime I come back here, I just feel like crying myself to sleep.