wasted my time

asinkalelto April 21, 2024 10:27 pm

the story isn’t that bad but it’s so fucking boring and the art style progressively gets worse

    emenemaxpein April 29, 2024 11:12 pm

    idk why but even in the previous work of this author, whenever we get to the mid or climax or the story, the artystyle is getting...cranky? thl there are still some amazing panels! like some panels that are focused on seungwon's angelic face, but sometimes its just meh.. anw, im liking the story so far so im letting it slide lol

    Tablesalt April 30, 2024 5:55 pm

    I find it hard to understand how the story is boring.

    Personally I feel like the pace is just right and I like how they juxtapose glimpse of MC's past during relevant expositions throughout the story. Unlike others where we get catapulted to episodes of backstories unexpectedly.

    I also like the consistency of the characters, it really felt like these characters fit their image and their age well, even when they're their younger versions in the backstories.

    It's also rare to find a confession scene that is an ACTUAL CONFESSION of feelings and emotions, rather than the cliche exchanges of "I love/like you"s

    Tho I will agree with you in the art style. It's severely inconsistent but the story is enough for me to keep reading.

    I get you're entitled to your own opinion but I'm genuinely curious about your perspective on finding the story boring.

    Tablesalt April 30, 2024 5:57 pm

    I find it hard to understand how the story is boring.

    Personally I feel like the pace is just right and I like how they juxtapose glimpse of MC's past during relevant expositions throughout the story. Unlike others where we get catapulted to episodes of backstories unexpectedly.

    I also like the consistency of the characters, it really felt like these characters fit their image and their age well, even when they're their younger versions in the backstories.

    It's also rare to find a confession scene that is an ACTUAL CONFESSION of feelings and emotions, rather than the cliche exchanges of "I love/like you"s, or rewriting the stars.

    Tho I will agree with you in the art style. It's severely inconsistent but the story is enough for me to keep reading.

    I get you're entitled to your own opinion but I'm genuinely curious about your perspective on finding the story boring.