ppl hating mc for “being annoying” is so wild. god forbid someone that’s been abused...

jyuunii April 21, 2024 9:24 pm

ppl hating mc for “being annoying” is so wild. god forbid someone that’s been abused and traumatized actually have lasting symptoms and show them. yes he’s frustrating, having anxiety, abandonment issues, low self esteem, depression and suicidal tendencies will kinda cause some problems. mc made some mistakes and said bad things, but everyone does, its called being human. what’s most important was that he was able to come out of this a better person and grow, and hopefully learn to treasure himself more. but anyways, they are super cute together and i wish them a happy married life together.

    Pami May 4, 2024 4:16 am

    TELL ‘EM

    Sba May 15, 2024 1:59 am


    colonizeurvagina June 7, 2024 8:14 am

    this!!!!!! the mc has TEXTBOOK abandonment trauma and exhibits it so clearly in his relationship. i don't understand why he is under sm hate! this story is so realistic in that manner.

    ANG3LG0R3 June 7, 2024 12:31 pm
    this!!!!!! the mc has TEXTBOOK abandonment trauma and exhibits it so clearly in his relationship. i don't understand why he is under sm hate! this story is so realistic in that manner. colonizeurvagina

    bc a lot of ppl on here are immature and don't care to try and empathize with characters that actually have depth to them, but at the same time excuse abusive behavior of a different character bc "they're hot." a lot of times if mental illness isn't shown as poetic or in an aesthetic way ppl will be like "ew they're weird" which is sad since those that do suffer from mental illness will see this and shut themselves off even more. so yeah i really like when characters in media portray the unpleasant sides of trauma because it needs to be talked about :)