FL is more cold & heartless, than the puppy VAMPIRE

Lady hatake April 21, 2024 5:40 pm

It's not necessary for her to be so dam violent. She sees he has the mentality of a child/puppy, & still beats him for dumb little reasons. I get that she's scared, but 1-She knew he was a vampire & took him in, 2-She knows he's lost his memory, 3-He's an adult VAMPIRE, but she freaks out when he beats the assholes that would've probably raped her, & beats him when he craves her BLOOD. Then she abandoned him, in the middle of nowhere, knowing he has no memory, he's a confused vampire, he has the mentality of an innocent child, is prone to latch out/kill if he feels threatened. Did she not think that setting a hungry & confused vampire loose, would get someone killed & him hurt. At least take him to a police station, dumbass. I'll read more, just cuz of the adorable puppy/vampire. But I seriously can't stand the aggressiveness,stupidity, & cold heartlessness of the FL
