Holy shit..

The One And Only Villainess April 21, 2024 8:28 am

This is so good and it hits so deep as a trans gay boy. If you ever wondered what it’s like, it sucks. I’m not any gay guys type because my body isn’t right, and chances are if I’m dating a guy, probably a pansexual or bi guy, it’s safer to date them as a girl and be a normal hetero-like couple because then neither of us risk getting hurt. But then I have to struggle with dysphoria and knowing that I’m faking who I am. Having characters even though they aren’t trans, relate to my trans experience is so so hard but great to see. It’s so sad this is discontinued.. I would’ve wanted to see more. And I’m curious how this little love triangle would’ve ended. Personally I’d love a polyamory ending where all three of them end up dating each other. It would’ve been sweet to see. And perhaps Shun (I think that’s the blondes name) would be a bit like me in a sense and maybe he’ll get top surgery! That would be cool to see. And I hope those damn sexual assaulters rot in hell.

    Yume-san August 18, 2024 10:54 pm

    I fell this so hard but also a bit different.. I'm bisexual and Transmale but it's feels weird... I know that gay dudes will never see me as a men but also the rest of the men not as a men... I don't know with women but.. I don't even know if I can be in a relationship with them either.. it's just I can't even smell that smell and I don't know sometimes I feel like I want to puke just thinking about one... My problem is that I also have been used from men before so.. I try to keep the people who are important to me with my body... It's so much hate to myself and I get even dysphoria from just gaining a wait a little bit or getting more hair... But I hate my body how it is now too.. it's so confusing.. I hope they both become happy tho in the manga

    The One And Only Villainess August 20, 2024 7:44 am
    I fell this so hard but also a bit different.. I'm bisexual and Transmale but it's feels weird... I know that gay dudes will never see me as a men but also the rest of the men not as a men... I don't know with ... Yume-san

    Yeah I totally understand being queer or lgbt can be a confusing experience especially when you feel out of place in your own community. Your experience is totally valid

    Yume-san August 23, 2024 12:13 am
    Yeah I totally understand being queer or lgbt can be a confusing experience especially when you feel out of place in your own community. Your experience is totally valid The One And Only Villainess

    But hey atleast we have each other

    The One And Only Villainess August 25, 2024 1:12 am
    But hey atleast we have each other Yume-san
