The redemption arc quite good.. ML inject the omega turning thing and some muscle relaxing thing (i dont quite remember) to himself (i think he inject it on his leg) and its almost cost him his life. He survived after 2 times of almost dying situations and didnt turn into omega but his leg got some after effect and become weak somehow. MC got pregnant and they make some bet (maybe) about if the baby is girl, MC have to give ML a chance to be back together but if the baby is boy, ML need to stop trying to be together..
When the baby is born, they said it was a boy.. ML was heartbroken but received his defeat well. It's funny when MC asked him to change the diaper and asked if he saw something strange while doing it. He got angry asking who change his son into someone daughter. MC said he gave birth to a daughter and asked the dr to lied to ML. Then they got back together not because the bet but MC ready to accept ML redemption
But I need to know how it ends!!!!!! Please just kill the ml, he's the worst and I can't stand him. This story gives me anxiety