lol those were spoilers, chapter's official release was yesterday or today

ok my mind is all over the place, i don't know the exact date, but it has been only a few days.
don't act like a spoiled kid

Oh, I haven't seen the raws, because I tend to steer clear of all spoilers before the actual scanslated chapter comes out. But my guess is that if you saw some raws before today/yesterday, those were just teasers Yoneda Kou posted on her twitter. If you saw them today/yesterday, those probably are the raws, because people can't wait to see the new chapter. Last time I made the huge mistake of checking in at midnight to see if there was any news on the chapter, and already there were spoilers, so yeah, Saezuru fans are not a patient bunch. :'D Don't worry though, this is usually the first site the scanslation gets uploaded to, but if you want it like half a second sooner, this is the tumblr of the typesetter (she is lovely): http://lustfulcat.tumblr.com/
Does anybody know when translated chapter 25 is going to come out? I heard some say today but nothing yet and apparently chapter 25 raws has been out for a long while...