Literally LOLing over here

Morohtar April 20, 2024 8:09 pm

I find it funny (and sad) how many people actually read this SMUT genre comic and thinking there is any realism or sense in them so as to legit get upset about. XD
It's like going to a fair with a stand that lets you throw tomatos at a taunting guy and saying stuff about how it's rude to throw things at people: You are missing the point, you're clearly in the wrong place if you are serious and not just ranting in a joking way.

This website seriously needs to have people read through the meaning of a genre tag before letting them read the comics. maybe THAT would help some people, I dunno. I mean, unless you are an ABSOLUTE newbie to comics, people should KNOW smut is just porn in comic form and the plot is NOT serious, it's there to justify having bonking scenes in a somewhat-story format instead of just illustrations. X'D

So yeah; I really REALLY hope people are just joke-ranting here instead of being honestly serious about complaining about the realistic view on this. (And if you ARE serious: Please stop reading comics without knowing what genre tags mean and stop viewing fiction that is clearly marked as nonsense with tags as something serious. You ain't doin' yourselves any favors living like this.)

    andyoudontseemthelyingkind April 21, 2024 5:02 pm

    literally this!!! i understand the concern when it comes to problematic/toxic aspects of relationships in fiction, but time and place also matters. Like, this is clearly marked with tags in a website that is majoritally known for smut amongst other things (illegally i might add). People have the right to enter said space and feel comfortable reading whatever it is they want to read without a bunch of moralizing comments lol.

    Morohtar April 27, 2024 5:55 am
    literally this!!! i understand the concern when it comes to problematic/toxic aspects of relationships in fiction, but time and place also matters. Like, this is clearly marked with tags in a website that is ma... andyoudontseemthelyingkind

    Well said~. Moralizing comments on smut really is the most nonsensical and annoying sometimes. XD
    I get being upset about things and voicing them, but getting all serious is honestly unhealthy for your mind. People really gotta differentiate. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Cece May 4, 2024 9:55 am

    I agree to a certain extent, but smut is NOT just porn in comic form, there's plenty with good plots and amazing characters. Of course, sometimes it is, I'd argue this one definitely is. But to diminish the BL genre (the ones with smut) to mere porn feels insulting imo. None of the tags on this manga immediately means "it's just porn with a probably unrealistic portrayal of sex etc". Many amazing manga have the exact same tags.

    It's okay to criticize a story and its contents. Sure, you can argue that it wasn't meant to be taken seriously, but that doesn't mean it's not bad lmao. I can criticize something and still acknowledge this fact. I can even enjoy it despite thinking it's an objectively bad manga, enjoying it for what it is.

    Now, if you're upset to the point of wanting to police or hate on people for enjoying it, or if you CAN'T differentiate fiction from reality, that's where I draw the line hahaha.

    Morohtar May 4, 2024 3:33 pm
    I agree to a certain extent, but smut is NOT just porn in comic form, there's plenty with good plots and amazing characters. Of course, sometimes it is, I'd argue this one definitely is. But to diminish the BL ... Cece

    Indeed there are those with good plot, that's certainly true. But the core of the smut genre is the focus of intercourse, the more the better, which usually means everything else has to be less. And sadly; most people do NOT know wtf tags even mean. Especially the important ones. :')
    It's not that I want to talk down the genre, but that is factually the core of it. And unless other tags are added that add to the focus, a comic purely tagged with smut will essentially just be porn in comic form. Some will bother with a story but most will simply not. Kinda like ordering a cold lemonade at a store; you COULD get icecubes in it to crunch on, but it's more likely you'll get just a liquid stored in the fridge. Ice is an option, but not mandatory. Same with smut tag and having a story that is realistic/to be taken serious. :P

    I'm not saying something is immediately good or bad, that always depends on the contents of the work. Even stories with nothing but senseless bonking around can be a good read, albeit one for obvious reasons to read. XD I'm not saying a story is bad just because it has smut or has only that to offer, so no worries, that's certainly not what I meant.

    I am not policing anything here nor am I upset (as I said, I am literally laughing at people about this all), you seem to have misunderstood my point.
    What I meant was: smut focused stories are essentially porn, porn with barely any over to random and weird up to highly questionable happenings to finally make the sex the focus. Taking a story like that seriously, commenting on it as if the characters had behaved horribly and that they should know better and whatnot is just silly. Because that was never the point of the story, it was NOT meant to be taken serious in any fashion.
    That's like going into a comedy horror movie and complaining about the author making light of the deaths of people: It was NOT the point nor goal, so it's entirely a you-problem if you focus on the wrong aspect of said movie. It wasn't meant to make you cry and pity the victims, it was meant to make you laugh and get jumpscared. And that is exactly what people are doing in the comments; they take an obvious silly story WAY too serious. And that is simply not a good thing to do.

    Again, this has NOTHING to do with being upset, policing anything or talking down the genre, that wasn't the reality/point of my post at any moment. Just to clarify. I'm essentially having fun watching people be super serious about something akin to a little child having a tea party with a teddy bear and imaginary friends and getting upset an imaginary friend insulted the kid's fiance, Prince Sparklemane the Third (the unicorn prince of the neighboring kingdom).
    It's hilarious to see for someone that can see what the actual story really is. I'm not upset, I'm amused/entertained at the level of taking things too serious. XD

    Cece May 4, 2024 3:53 pm
    Indeed there are those with good plot, that's certainly true. But the core of the smut genre is the focus of intercourse, the more the better, which usually means everything else has to be less. And sadly; most... Morohtar

    I think you misunderstood what I said at the end, I wasn't implying YOU were upset or policing anyone (trust me I could tell you weren't lmao), I meant that I'd agree that others who police others or get upset about the contents to the point where they can't differentiate from reality is bad and that's where I'd 100% agree with you, but not when someone is just criticizing it! Maybe my wording was bad.

    I guess I'm a little bit confused about your point here, since you're acknowledging that a manga with smut CAN be good or bad, it can have a good plot or no plot/bad plot, so of course people would criticize it if it's bad. No one is complaining that the manga has smut in it period, I think people would criticize other things such as execution, how it's portrayed, characters etc. Same way with the horror movie example, no one is gonna complain about a horror movie making light of death, but if it's done in a bad way 100% it's gonna get criticized lmao. Idk, maybe you just think people take it too seriously and that's it, but I think it's normal to point out when things are bad hahahha.

    Morohtar May 4, 2024 4:16 pm
    I think you misunderstood what I said at the end, I wasn't implying YOU were upset or policing anyone (trust me I could tell you weren't lmao), I meant that I'd agree that others who police others or get upset ... Cece

    Oh! Then I apologize, it sounded like you meant me the way it was worded. Or maybe I was just being half-dyslexic for a moment. happens sometimes since english isn't my mother language. X'D
    Let's just forget that misunderstanding ever happened. Sorry 'bout that. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    I see, let me try to clarify then: What I commented about originally was people taking silly moments, reactions, behavior or how a situation unfolded WAY too serious when it was obviously meant to display a simple, light-hearted moment to get to the next kissing or sex scene. That's why I mentioned the fact that this is a smut tagged work, which follows basic smut rules of being just a somewhat story-based porn comic. (Not sure WHY people get all serious and complain a character did not behave like a gentleman in a moment when that is definitely NOT what a comedy porn is about. Being serious about that had me smirk all the time people complained. Not complaining about the writing as a critique, that is perfectly fine of course, but about the behavior being unrealistic, not picture perfect green flag-like in a work that is definitely making it obvious it is not serious toned or realistic.)

    The things I wrote this post as a reaction to basically came before mine, not all but quite a few, who really just expected a comedy porn about mindless bonking to be filled with real life perfect relationship behavior. Not critiques, but just complains based on misplaced expectations.
    I tried looking for the comments I meant, but I don't see them anywhere. It was 2 comments I believe that were really drastic and too serious if I remember right? Not sure if they were edited, deleted or glitched into the void (since MG is very glitchy lately). ( ̄へ ̄)