
Silvermilk April 20, 2024 7:04 pm

So I see this manhwa reaching a conclusion in three ways:
1) Single Jihyuk ending where he ends up realizing that even though he may be lonely, he is satisfied with himself and the person, as well as his close bonds now to not need a romantic relationship as of yet, keeping the future open and keeping optimism. This might involve a compromise/resolution with his brother about his past trauma. (Good Jihyuk ending)

2) Jihyuk ends up with Eunseong and stays with him, without or with knowing the truth, because he’s the only one who didn’t leave his side. Yoojin is just heartbroken but he’s not suffering from his bond because it’s broken (bittersweet Eunseong ending, would be a really interesting psychological ending lowkey….)

3) Jihyuk will end up with Yoojin and forgives him for his behavior because of love, and will break up with Eunseong because of the manipulating. (“good” Yoojin ending) Honestly, the author can make this a “good” ending, but for me this is bad writing. Like a sugarcoated good ending. There’s depth that can be found with 2) but not with 3) imo.

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! April 22, 2024 12:57 am

    Well wise guy, doesn't take a genius to figure out there are 3 options actually.

    Silvermilk April 22, 2024 1:15 am
    Well wise guy, doesn't take a genius to figure out there are 3 options actually. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    Well wise guy, my comment still expands on those 3 options, though honestly I can’t even grasp what your initial comment is even insinuating

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! April 22, 2024 1:32 am

    No disrespect meant, but I was referring to how obvious your comment was. That said, I get your detailed information about the options.

    Silvermilk April 22, 2024 3:46 am
    No disrespect meant, but I was referring to how obvious your comment was. That said, I get your detailed information about the options. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    Fair enough I guess.

    blackberry April 22, 2024 5:03 pm

    genuine question, why is #3 bad but not #2?

    Silvermilk April 22, 2024 6:29 pm
    genuine question, why is #3 bad but not #2? blackberry

    I tapped on it lightly and this is just my personal opinion but I just see a ton of stories where the main character ends up with the one they held unrequited feelings for despite abusive behavior which is excused for due to “not understanding their emotions.” #3 just feel like a cheap replica that takes agency away from Jihyuk’s growth and creates sugarcoated ending that displays the message “they ended up together because he’s an alpha! And obviously the ML. They both see that it was a misunderstanding and happy ending yay!” And rather than Eunseong getting his comeuppance because his horrible actions, it’ll feel moreso that it’s due to him not being the “obvious ML” Also I just think it’s the most boring and predictable ending them all, feels the most rose-tinted BL-y ending

    #2 has slightly more depth imo. While it does end up rewarding Eunseong with his manipulation, it adds a layer of bittersweetness because in the end, Eunseong IS the only one who didn’t leave Jihyuk and stayed by his side. Jihyuk knowing the truth and ultimately staying with Eunseong creates a shell of his former self that cannot bear any more pain and ignores his behavior because Eunseong is the only thread keeping him tethered. Jihyuk not knowing the truth leads to an interesting concept that maybe a white lie will keep his sanity rather than the black truth. While not as positive character progressive, it’s a lot more interesting and unpredictable and can be taken in many different directions which I can’t really see happening with #3
    Noo I just realized I yapped so much anyway hope that makes sense!

    blackberry April 22, 2024 6:45 pm
    I tapped on it lightly and this is just my personal opinion but I just see a ton of stories where the main character ends up with the one they held unrequited feelings for despite abusive behavior which is excu... Silvermilk

    omg i didn’t expect a reply but thank you for taking the time!

    the reason i asked is because the comment section is divided so i’m curious about everyone’s thoughts.

    i do agree with #3 being your typical omegaverse/BL ending, though i would say this story in particular wants to show us a yoojun redemption arc, something that’s not always developed in these other “similar” stories.

    i’m skeptical about #2 because many have argued yoojun being the worst out of the two because he raped jihyuk, when that actually happened because he was under the influence of jihyuk’s pheromones after being drugged by eunseong. that being said, if jihyuk hadn’t been drugged we don’t know if the alpha would have still raped him or not. nevertheless, that doesn’t justify yoojun’s actions, but it makes you think that the drugging part was an inflection point and if that hadn’t happened us readers wouldn’t be so divided.

    all in all, i prefer jihyuk staying single.

    Silvermilk April 22, 2024 8:59 pm
    omg i didn’t expect a reply but thank you for taking the time!the reason i asked is because the comment section is divided so i’m curious about everyone’s thoughts.i do agree with #3 being your typical om... blackberry

    No problem! I like discussing in stories where people’s opinions are split because everyone always has something different to add.

    Yeah, I think Yoojin’s development arc would be really interesting for the story! I just don’t think his redemption needs to involve Jihyuk and him as a couple, if that makes sense?

    The drugging is a controversial point but I would assume that being under the influence of jihyuk’s pheromones would fall under the same case of getting drunk, and if that’s the case it still feels unjustifiable to me. But I agree it was the obvious catalyst that further moved Yoojin FAR away from the ideal partner Jihyuk deserves in many reader’s eyes.

    Me too! That’s why I consider single Jihyuk the good ending. I honestly don’t have hope for this story to do so, but I really like the message that you don’t need to put expectations for a romantic partner to fill the hole of abandonment. In this case, maybe the repairing/addressing of his distant relationship with his brother is what he truly needs to overcome his trauma and become a whole person.

    blackberry April 22, 2024 11:45 pm
    No problem! I like discussing in stories where people’s opinions are split because everyone always has something different to add.Yeah, I think Yoojin’s development arc would be really interesting for the s... Silvermilk

    100% agree, if he changes and learns to love jihyuk from afar that would be THE redemption arc, but i’m not too optimistic because authors love selling drama pls

    we have yet to see how jihyuk will react to the reveal, whether he will buy the “i know it was wrong but i’ve always loved you” or if he’ll be done with eunseong too.

    omg yes you’re right, i wish more stories were like that, about being enough by yourself and how to achieve emotional independence, i’ve yet to read a story like that tbqh and i would be delighted to ever read it one day!