This makes more sense than Twilight because his body doesn’t have the infrastructure to safely give birth. The best solution would be for his partner, the ARCH HEALER to do a c section, but that won’t happen because Dan is so controlling that he has become untrustworthy. Dan didn’t do his research before getting him pregnant. It only took him a couple months to find out how dangerous it was. He couldn’t have done that before making the baby?

It is ridiculous, but I do think Dan was being true to character. He is the absolute ruler of the demonic cult. Nobody questions him and he doesn’t ask for opinions or permission before making decisions. He is both possessive and insecure in his relationship with Hwan. He considered making a child the ultimate tie, ensuring that Hwan would never leave (which considering his character, would be an accurate assumption). It was less about the child than a mechanism to permanently connect them. That’s why when he realized that Hwan could/would die from it, that choosing to abort was so easy for him. He’s still not thinking like a partner, but acting out of his own fear of Hwan abandoning him either by choice or death. His fear clouds his judgement and prevents him from considering Hwan’s perspective or trying to find another way.

dunno how it was in the movie coz i haven't watched it, but renaissance was supposed to eat/claw her way outta bella's womb too. This was why edward and everyone else apart from rosalie was so against bella having the baby. But yes, edward probably wouldn't have had sex with bella in the first place if he knew his sperm was even 1% viable, while dan hoodwinked the guy into conceiving the baby without so much as an inkling it could happen. And ofc, i don't blame hwan; poor guy was groomed by dan (that puppy love of his was probably just him imprinting on the person he valued the most); found out the kind master he adored was actually a higher-up in the demonic cult, found out he was gonna give birth coz he was impregnated by the dude who's supposed to know it all when it comes to medicine, and now that same guy was tryna make him have an abortion??????????? the non-consensualness here is incredible

yeah, it's just that the foundation of this relationship is so freakin questionable and then the constant drama from a lack of communication and this whole damn debacle to top it all off. I agree with your initial comment, would it have killed him to just look up pregnancy-related complications in mandala blossoms??? All he had to do was ask his friends fgs

This is an absolutely silly, hypothetical and fun (to me) question but, if juan didn't magically grow the infrastructure, does it mean the baby is located inside the intestines? Did Korean Edward fertilize Juan's colon? Cos I'm laughing like a deranged woman imagining juan pushing the whole business down his cloaca like a chicken.

Yeah that’s definitely a good point the baby is growing somewhere, but Hwan (probably) doesn’t have a uterus. I’m thinking he might somehow be intersex, but I was more concerned about the pelvic structure. Women have less thick pelvic bones (more space for a baby) that are angled differently (to safely expel the baby) than male pelvises. So if there’s a vampire baby in there, and there’s no way to get through the pelvic opening, they might have to claw their way out.

Clawing their way out and killing the mother is the reason why Korean Edward is freaking out like a chihuahua on chipotles xD
I mean, think about this. If the kid is gonna cut open their own exit, does it even mater if Juan (or any other flowerwhatever, aside the gender) has the right bone structure? Because apparently it was never intended for the offspring to get "conventionally" yeeted, they're expected to be gory and murdery. That's the reason behind the white haired vampire sadness, despite being a woman, his partner didn't allow her to carry and deliver because the last part would never happen, the child would claw through her insides instead.
So, having that in mind, i highly doubt Juan's intersex. Also, past chps and raws show a baby bump, so we can certainly assume the baby's located on the lower abdomen.
I really wish he magically fabricated a uterus for the baby to grow in because my mind is spiraling out of control i can't omg

But they said that at least some of the female mandalas survived, which seems less likely if demon baby is tearing apart the abdomen. It’s probably that the women were better setup to go into quick labor (muscle structure, hormonal processes), and the baby could fit through the pelvis, etc… so if there is a successful labor process, there is no need for demon baby to kill them. I believe the former leader killed by Dan was born to a male blossom as well. I think that the vampire babies instinctively claw their way out if they can’t get out through the pelvis (male bodies are not designed to expel babies) or if labor takes to long (which can happen with some of the women). I think it will be different in Hwan’s case though, because the baby has been severely weakened by poison, so it may be a less dangerous process overall. If Dan had actually done his damn research, he probably would have known all of this already and either not done it in the first place, or done it after enough preparations (inventing a c section, etc…).
lmao idek how i expected this story to go but watching it devolve into asian twilight:breaking dawn is really taking the cake