Are we reading the same plot?

Danieka April 20, 2024 4:22 pm

What do yall mean by “why is he hung up on family, he needs to let go and move on?” Move on to what? His rapists? He literally only came this far for his last remaining family member and I pity those of you who don’t have such a deep love for your family (blood or chosen) that you’d go through hell or high water to protect them. He’s clearly exhausted and this isn’t just a moment of “I’ll shield you” it’s a resignation, a “I’ll use my very last ounce of fight to cover you because if I can’t do what I promised then I’ll go with you, back to our mom and dad so we can be whole again.” Y'all act like him surviving beyond this (I’ve finished the novel but the MC doesn’t know his future so I’m saying this from his perspective) with his tormentors is appealing to him; his recent life has been quite bleak so “he needs to give up on his brother” is a bit heartless is all I’m saying. And he’s going to prove my point in the next few chapters.

    Heya April 20, 2024 4:41 pm

    I think ppl say to leave and let go as in let the brother go since there is no saving him and leaving these destructive mf which he doesn't

    Heya April 20, 2024 4:42 pm

    But truly I get it he did all for his bro is just that he knows as well there is no saving him

    VannaKyro April 20, 2024 8:41 pm

    I'd rather he died with his bro rather than moving on and live with his rapistt??

    Danieka April 21, 2024 6:36 am
    I'd rather he died with his bro rather than moving on and live with his rapistt?? VannaKyro

    THIS like let him REST how exhausted he must be

    Danieka April 21, 2024 6:38 am
    But truly I get it he did all for his bro is just that he knows as well there is no saving him Heya

    Right like imagine the overwhelming anguish and shame. And I see what you mean but I also see a lot of people rooting for the end games of this ML and that ML and I’m like at the end of the day they all forced him into an incredibly horrific contract and brutalized him all while dangling his brothers life over his head just to amount to nothing, I would rather he die and reach peace.

    VannaKyro April 21, 2024 3:28 pm
    THIS like let him REST how exhausted he must be Danieka

    *This contain spoiler*

    I just read the side story/bonus chapter.

    Yugeon was almost raped by stranger, and Shinjae went "Is my dicx isn't enough for ye? Oh yeah i forgot u use to have 4."

    That asshole dare to use all that gangrape against him?????

    Heya April 21, 2024 8:40 pm
    *This contain spoiler*I just read the side story/bonus chapter. Yugeon was almost raped by stranger, and Shinjae went "Is my dicx isn't enough for ye? Oh yeah i forgot u use to have 4."That asshole dare to use ... VannaKyro

    Once a shitass always a shitass...I hate he has to end up with one of these idiots