this seems so loud and wrong agia isnt a bad person really, he just grew up with what lorriane told him and didn't know any different. and also vercike and ian did not show more caring for ken!! idk if we read the same thing but they are both weird and manipulative. vercike put a whole curse on ken and ian only had feelings for ken .. but he tried to turn ken in to vercike so he wouldn't be in a deep slumber for years? doesn't make sense. im my mind, im really hoping your confusing vercike and ian for agia and daniel. :)

No. Thats not what I said, nor what happened at all.
I do understand that Agia was manipulated and abused as a child. I get that. It warped him. Been there myself. I still don't like him. I didn't say be was a bad person at heart. I don't think he is. You can be selfish and cruel because of that selfishness and still be good at heart. Good people do bad things all the time. Just because he's good at heart doesn't mean that I can excuse his actions. Being abused is not an excuse for becoming an abuser. If you look at it objectively and from Ken's pov, Agia did save him, but he raped him over and over, isolated him and held him captive all for a prophecy that Ken doesn'treally care about. And he continues to do so. I also think they have zero chemistry with the way the author has written them. Thats just personal, though.
Now, Ian. I believe you're looking at Ian's motives all wrong. I don't think and I'm 99% sure that he didn't become Vercike's thrall because he wanted to. He hates vampires, he's said that over and over . What he loves as both his family and later, romantically is Ken. Everything he did was for Ken. He obviously got seriously hurt when they were separated as children. And he had to be saved twice via Vercike. He said so himself in this latest chapter. He probably was on the verge of death and he took Vercike up on his offer to live only for the sole purpose of finding and protecting Ken again. And him trying to get Ken to Vercike isn't by any means for him to come to harm. He just wants Ken by his side and everything was fine until Agia found him. Vercike didn't bite Ken to curse jim so that he would suffer. He said as much. He bit him to protect him from getting killed right away by the church, and in hopes that he would seek him out. He's always wanted Ken to come to him on his own and he wants Ken, himself and Agia to live together again. Thats what he said and he hasn't shown any motive otherwise. Its the other idiot vampires that keep trying to kill everyone. I have yet to see or read of Vercike giving anyone orders to bring Ken to him or bring Agia to him. Yes, Vercike tried to kill Agia, and succeeded time and again, but it was to prevent Ken from dying through the church's twisted view of the prophecy making Ken and Agia sacrifice themselves.
So, yes, we did read the same story. However, I was looking at it objectively and then personally. Personally, I don't like Agia. Objectively, I want them all to be happy. And objectively, neither Vercike nor Ian have hurt Ken in any manner.

i apologize but i am not reading allat .. seems like you got a little butt hurt because i probably didnt understand where u were coming from and wrote your own story. and obviously ian didn't become vercike's thrall because he wanted to , i never said that. yes ken doesn't give one fuck about the prophecy nor does he have to do it, but with all that rape and being isolated he still found a way to fall in love with agia yes i get ur point on that and it doesn't make sense at all! i think i believe where youre coming from but it just seems like you worded it wrong at first or i got the wrong message out of it.
I banged this and I have to say that I do not like Agia. I normally love the psychologically hurt and "I need fixing" type, but not Agia. He's not terrible, but I do not like him for Ken. Not at all. I really want more Vercike and Ian. Agia, though, is a selfish and cruel man. So far, the vampire and Ian have shown far more caring towards Ken than anyone. I hope no one dies. Except Lorraine. That bitch deserves a painful death. And a bra.