
CuriousGumWad April 20, 2024 2:47 pm

Star got taken away because she copyrighted/patented math and makes people who use her math pay intsallments for using it. She created a subscription service for math. That's not legal and doesn't make sense also capitalism is a plight on society and MC is a greedy capitalist pig. You can't patent a formula because you can't patent math. You can make a theory but oh my god this is a stupid subplot you can't make people pay for it just like you can't make someone pay for using the theory "all living organisms are made of cells" how would you even regulate and keep track of such a thing.

    yamamabitch April 26, 2024 11:59 am

    ur a fucking dumbass. even colors can be patented in the real world. literally shut the fuck up

    yamamabitch April 26, 2024 12:00 pm

    like just enjoy the nonsensical story man, even this shit happens irl. yes, even math is patented. shut the fuck up

    iram_ikan April 29, 2024 11:17 am

    They literally have magic powers and the part you're stuck on is whether they can patent a formula? The stick up you're ass must be working overtime for you to try this hard!

    Lizzie May 3, 2024 5:52 am

    That also bothered me, it didn't really benefit anything since the price was so high too. Like maybe a one time small fee would have been better. It was just hyper capitalism. The people that downvoted you probably didn't realize that while you may pay for textbooks, schooling is generally free.

    kaoru seta May 7, 2024 7:37 pm
    That also bothered me, it didn't really benefit anything since the price was so high too. Like maybe a one time small fee would have been better. It was just hyper capitalism. The people that downvoted you prob... Lizzie

    literally just take a deep breath and go outside cuz it's rlly never that deep... just read it and be happy

    Lyricalbunny May 12, 2024 12:15 pm

    This story is not that deep, calm down. they only had one formula in that world. So she can make a patent on the new formula she introduced (which was revolutionary, most mages can afford the monthly price it was much lower before being told that mages have much more higher salary lmao)
    While I don’t agree with the capitalist system you need to reread the manhwa because she doing this to buy a noble title otherwise when she remain unmarried she will lose a lot more than money.
    You really didn’t read the story have you?

    zhenya May 12, 2024 12:51 pm
    That also bothered me, it didn't really benefit anything since the price was so high too. Like maybe a one time small fee would have been better. It was just hyper capitalism. The people that downvoted you prob... Lizzie

    key word "generally" so it's not free everywhere and this is just a fictional story it's really not that deep ohmygod I need y'all to go outside, touch some grass and brEATHE AIR

    CuriousGumWad May 12, 2024 4:50 pm
    key word "generally" so it's not free everywhere and this is just a fictional story it's really not that deep ohmygod I need y'all to go outside, touch some grass and brEATHE AIR zhenya

    It just feels like self-indulgent bullcrap like the author just went "look at our main character being crafty and resourceful for using a BASIC MODERN THING" even though she's being greedy and unreasonable and because it's a "basic" thing that doesn't make her seem smart. It just feels lazy and real author going "subscription services make money so if she does this she makes money

    Maybe I pay too much attention to the implications of the story but that doesn't invalidate my experience reading this just because it doesn't align with your "it's just a story bro it's not that deep". I just like a tight story and not lazy wishfufilment.

    CuriousGumWad May 12, 2024 5:06 pm
    This story is not that deep, calm down. they only had one formula in that world. So she can make a patent on the new formula she introduced (which was revolutionary, most mages can afford the monthly price it w... Lyricalbunny

    I read it it just felt like a cheap way for the author to make her "all high and mighty" for sharing this formula and "so smart for patenting it and making money off of it". It frames her patenting it as a good thing (maybe I'm dumb and forgetful but how does the "buying" of titles work I thought nobility was based on different areas of land they owned is she going to get empty land that she has to renovate or is she taking a piece of someone else's land plus) besides she already said she would be making a coffee business did we really need another way for her to get income. Plus her being very self-serving and self centered makes her insufferable at times and it doesn't even feel like she's in a rush or in any immediate peril so it feels less like "she's trying to survive" and more "she's just being a selfish greedy pretentious prick". Before you say she "selflessly" helped this person I want you to think about how often they are mentioned in the story and not one off sideplots to make her look better but actual people she cares about or has helped because "kindness" (sacrifices she's had to make for said person) or "politeness" or "niceness" (you can point to the little brother but that's more "cute kid" character)

    Not to mention all the "ugly" (none of them are actually ugly they just have more practical features) guys are made to be rapey jackasses so "of course" she has to pick the not rapey guy who is conveniently hot and interested in her

    zhenya May 12, 2024 7:14 pm
    It just feels like self-indulgent bullcrap like the author just went "look at our main character being crafty and resourceful for using a BASIC MODERN THING" even though she's being greedy and unreasonable and ... CuriousGumWad

    goodness gracious, she needs a way to make money. I don't really remember the story anymore but this is not the first and surely not the last 'villainess making money from future experience' typa webtoon. if her way seems lazy to you that's on you, she's using future knowledge to her advantage bc she needs to be independent. seems smart to me??? but if you really need to nitpick fictional stories where magic exists and other unrealistic stuff then you go girl, you do you