He wants to drag her down to his level because he doesn't think she will want to accept "the real him" otherwise: as a child he saw her from a distance and mistook her as this "angel of heaven", after which he started to use that dream as the one thing hold onto when he was being put through hell... But the problem is, once he got to meet her, he was faced with the "harsh reality" that she wasn't actually "how he dreamed" (she was "ignorant", "spoiled", etc).
That was when he was hit with a double threat: on one hand, by the the notion that her *real* self, as an imperfect egotistical being, would not want to be with the "real" him, who was so inferior and moreover, so broken (so, he could only pretend being sth he wasn't, in order to have her) and on the other hand, also by the fact that his survivor's guilt as the sole survivor of his comrades' massacre made him feel like he was trampling on their sacrifice by falling for the egotistical and shallow daughter of the very same man who had massacred them (thus, by putting her through hell he could appease that survivor's guilt, while still getting to stay *with* her).
To sum up: I do pity the guy, but yeah... he IS emotionally messed-up and self-destructive, so he needs lots of therapy.
After this, she will (hang) off herself again, only then Heiner will “allow” her to divorce him, smh, as long as she keeps her promise to stay alive. The frustration this man gives me, he shitless thought she’ll still be happy after the first suic— all he does in this arc to sum up is having this confusing thoughts that Anette would never do this and that because “she’s afraid of pain, she’s frail, she’s a swan who was raised as a swan while I was raised like a duck and to only honk-honk.” Then the next chapters will be Heiner’s backstory which I REALLY want to skip but I’m reading it anyways, then after that the frontline arc.
I’m also looking forward to a deep down analysis of Heiner’s character, since I’m incapable of understanding his character that is down beaten (what I meant is the “whys” why is he like this and the how-when-who). Tho I think it’s because I’m deeply rooted to Anette’s character and her way to happiness that I’m quite bias. Hence why, if you have better understanding of Heiner’s character, do tell me bitte! (๑˃ᴗ˂)