How do I tell someone I hate them without telling them that I hate them?
Help me
I hate how normalized rape is in BL
action manhwa with romance subplot
Till We Meet Again, My King
Hi does anyone know where i can read osora? i saw it on tiktok and they sai...
Your cat is like oh nonono we’re not getting a dog don’t even think abo
hii help mee
someone know the title of the mangga where its about a foursome of highscho...
Can somebody give me some horror rec? I wanna read some more! I don't have that much of a preference however some of my favorite horror mangas are “Monster” & “Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku“ so if anybody has anything similar to those kindly recommend them!
{ also here my list, just so you know what I've already read }