I hate Sungtaek

Ewol April 20, 2024 5:52 am

I think it's a great time to remind everyone. Sungtaek raped Norman in his sleep, just after Norman said he did not want him to put it in because it hurt too much. Sungtaek not only raped him, came inside, he also squirted inside. Because Norman was asleep they never talked about it and Sungtaek never said sorry nor did anything to change.
I don't understand why Norman isn't already with Minhwo

    hawks<3 April 20, 2024 10:44 am

    the white haired dude also raped the brown haired guy ? lets not forget when the 3 were sleeping in the living room and the white haired guy wanted to fuck the brown haired guy even though he didnt want it because of the other dude sleeping theyre both pretty shitty