If I understand correctly, then, spoiler
Some chapters later are tell under the friend's POV, how he befriends Sooyoung, he saw some sus dudes hang out with Sooyoung. Then we can see what happened that night, how Jihwan threantens him, injuring himself using the friend's hand and the driver dude takes photo. The friend's scared shitless, thinking Jihwan's crazy, different from other guys hovering around Sooyoung before.
Meanwhile, Sooyoung is isolated by the rumor that he's gay, and only has Jihwan beside him. He also has a dream where Jihwan's on top of him, strangling him, kissing him, taking off his clothes, turning him over, then Jihwan turning into Gyuji (finger-missing dude).
Sooyoung failed at the first uni entrance round to his first choice while Jihwan gets in. Sooyoung's sad and Jihwan comforts him, saying some shit like 'you don't need to worry about the result, the uni is not everything, this a chance to you see what's really important to you'.
Sooyoung then left Jihwan to walk home alone. Gyuji shows up and pull him into an alley, covering his mouth, and showing him that the driver dude driving and looking for him. He tells Sooyoung all about the things Jihwan has done: his finger, the driver following him, the cameras outside his house, the rumors at school. Sooyoung doesn't believe him, saying why he has to do that. Gyuji gets angry, yelling that why Sooyoung likes Jihwan and not him. Gyuji then says he's sorry for what he has done and left.
The next day, Sooyoung tried to ask Jihwan about Gyuji's finger, saying it's rumor going around. Jihwan of course plays dumb. At lunch time, Sooyoung overhears Jihwan calling the driver, asking him not following Sooyoung properly. It's implying that Jihwan asks his father interfere into Sooyoung's uni examination result.
Anyone read the raws that can summarise what's happening in recent chapters?? I've looked at them but can't read Korean