This was something…

Marceline April 20, 2024 2:23 am

So this was clearly a seven deadly sins mixed with saw type of manga but what I don’t get is the woman who represents lust. She literally didn’t do anything wrong. She didn’t kill anyone in her past and only wanted to survive. I wished she was the one that survived tbh. The lesbian was a clear murdering psycho and yandere who represents envy. The fat ass was a pedo murderer who represents gluttony, the dude that volunteered was greed and a murderer, the fake child was a supernatural murderer who was sloth, the rapist murderer was wrath, and the dude that survived was pride.

It was obvious he was gonna be the one that survived since we mainly seen him. And truthfully most of the deaths were predictable. Like the strongest one dying first, then the lesbian girl, the fat guy, escort girl, creep guy, pretend child, and the guy who survives. It’s literally a pattern. Boy, girl, boy, girl, boy, girl. But what’s disturbing and gross is how the good guy SA the woman who was lust. AND THEN CONTINUED ACTING LIKE HE A GOOD GUY AND EVERYONE THE MONSTER BUT HIM!!!

He had a good guy facade when he was far from that. Honestly i wanted the guy who represented greed to kill him. This was a good manga if only the plot was a little better. At least not have the girl who represents lust die when she was the only good one and was just trying to survive the only way she knows how. All she wanted was to support her brother who in a coma and now she dead so he gonna die as well. Her death and the victims was the only ones in this manga worth caring about.

    Baka April 20, 2024 5:39 am

    Her sin was being a woman who had the audacity to use people who lusted after her. She should've just been a shy meek woman or some bullshit like that.

    You know how they say men hate women who know their worth. I think that was the case here. Cause she legit did nothing but spread her legs and that's not even a bad thing. Like she made money how she knew best. She wasn't even scamming people or drugging them and stealing from them. I legit feel so bad for her. Genuinely out of all of them she was the only one that deserved to live.

    I think the author has a vendetta against women to be honest cause the only girly among them that was legit a horrible person was Yumi.

    The small lady was brainwashed and Akane is literally there for no reason. You also notice how they never mention who wanted Akane dead or what she did.

    I only read this cause i legit was rooting for akane.

    Marceline April 20, 2024 11:26 am
    Her sin was being a woman who had the audacity to use people who lusted after her. She should've just been a shy meek woman or some bullshit like that.You know how they say men hate women who know their worth. ... Baka

    I kinda forgot the story after reading it cause the plot was just ass but from what i see the only one that was mentioned of wanting someone dead was the main guy. The father clearly is the mastermind with the help of the “child” since the child was in a similar situation (not saying what she did is right tbh) and he seems to have just only wanted the main guy dead while also taking a chance of getting rid of scums that took innocent people lives. But i think the father main goal was using those people to kill the guy that killed his daughter since they seemed like worthy opponents to do his dirty work and if they died in the process he wouldn’t care because they were shitty people. Aside from the guy that volunteered for his own excitement.

    I don’t think the author have a vendetta against women I truthfully think they were just heavily influenced by the movie saw and wanting to appeal more to the male audience than the female audience. Hint with all of the sexual harassment and visuals. I feel like if they have a vendetta against women they would’ve made it worse like a lot of mangas i seen. Regardless the women had no chance of surviving against men. So they were gonna die unless the author gave them plot armor.

    Akane should’ve definitely survived and win but even if she did she would’ve been mentally and financially fucked. She wouldn’t be able to support herself or her brother. And definitely would’ve been put into a mental institution or would’ve committed suicide because that’s will for sure take a troll on someone mental health no matter how mentally strong they are. So in a way it’s good she died instead of having to deal with that and thankfully her death wasn’t as gruesome as the others. And tbh she probably would’ve had a chance of surviving the poison if the creep didn’t strangle her. Since the fake child survived the poison and so did the guy but then again i can’t really use the fake child as an example since she clearly have some sort of supernatural effect.

    Baka April 20, 2024 8:16 pm
    I kinda forgot the story after reading it cause the plot was just ass but from what i see the only one that was mentioned of wanting someone dead was the main guy. The father clearly is the mastermind with the ... Marceline

    You're right about the woman vendetta. I'm just used to a lot of horror authors hating women since that really is the case. A lot of horror started targetting women more cause of women's rights blah blah blah.

    The dude who was wrath had someone that wanted him dead. MC was wanted dead by the cop, two ppl volunteered that leaves the pedophile, akane and Yumi. Yumi has infact tried to kill someone and accidentally killed someone and the pedophile is a pedophile so it felt unfair to me that akane was there becasue what?!? People willingly went into debt to see her. Is that her fault?

    I was just so pissed for akane cause MC is a fucking clown and had the audacity to be mad at a girl he met like 2 days ago for fucking another dude. She literally said she was a hostess it's her job to pretend she likes you. I understand Yumi cause girl is delulu but MC is a fucking idiot cause he literally has a girlfriend that he himself literally got mad at for liking him after he slept with her and essentially did the same thing with akane. He should've been sin of stupidity or hypocrisy not sloth.

    But justice for my girl Akane she truly was the only one that didn't deserve this. Also i think she would've gotten financially compensated by the police or government. Since we saw that MC was being taken care of without money. So i think her and her brother would've been fine. Mentally fucked but fine.

    Marceline April 20, 2024 9:55 pm
    You're right about the woman vendetta. I'm just used to a lot of horror authors hating women since that really is the case. A lot of horror started targetting women more cause of women's rights blah blah blah.T... Baka

    Well technically the MC came from a financially stable family so it’s no wonder he being taken care without money. If the author went with a more realistic logical horror approach even if she survived she wouldn’t be on government support for long. Especially depending on the country. I don’t know japan laws well so i can’t speak on it. But regardless, Akane would be broken. She been raped/SA, beaten, had her hair forcibly cut, poisoned, witnessed gruesome deaths, almost died, had a psychotic episode due to the poison, and had to attempt killing people. Yeah no she will literally never recover from that. She would have episodes/nightmares daily and let’s not forget the attention she would get. Good and bad attention. Also if she was still in there no one who would even look for her. The only person that would is her brother and he in a coma and she not close to the ladies at the place she works at. Even if her male customers or boss worries about her it would never be enough to call the police and they would assume she with the newest man. Akane just realistically would not survive especially not by herself. Her brother in a coma with a slim chance of surviving and she literally have no one else. She would basically be alone (besides the nurses and doctors at the mental hospital) trying to fight her mental battles and that’s not a fun thing to do alone. It’s not impossible but it won’t be easy and it’s a slim chance if she doesn’t commit suicide or become completely insane and relies on drugs. Not to mention how should would be insanely skinny and weak like how the mc was since I forgot how long it took for him to get found, pretty sure it was long due to how he was damn near a skeleton and a week of not eating won’t do that to a guy as you could see when he was fighting with the fake child. And she a female who depends on her looks and skills due to her job. So her physical appearance would definitely play a part in her mental state. I agree that i wish she was the last one standing since she the only one who deserves it but the hardships she would face would take a big troll on her since she would definitely be the story everyone talks about. She strong and i believe there a slim possibility she would have mentally be able to survive but that’s just my opinion and i respect and agree with yours a little bit.

    Technically the child was sloth and the MC was pride. But i could be wrong that was just how i saw it. Since the “child” can easily defend herself but she uses other people for her purposes.

    And you’re right that the guy who represents wrath has someone who wanted him dead. I know the father he killed was one but idk if they ever showed the mother since she would definitely be another.