This is not even complaining anymore, this is just getting more ridiculous. I get it that they wanted to translate but do they think translating a manhwa that many have been waiting for is just kids play? Now this is just getting selfish and stupid, and shut up calling me a dumb shit when you're no different. You're here in a illegal website reading Manhwas cause you can't pay for it or understand korean. So obviously here we are waiting for weeks or even months for the translation. But no instead I get this piece of ass shit of a work. If here you are defending this translator cause I was speaking facts, ten go and take its place let's see if you can do better than this horse shit you call translation.

Are you stupid? That's the point why I'm hating. I don't care if I'm being immature or being a whole ass kid. I just don't get the fuck why people would want to be translators and waste not only their time but ours, when clearly they don't understand nor have the ability to translate korean well into English.

The only time wasted here is the time you spent caring about how good the translation is. Like do u even know what Google lens is? If u want to learn so badly about the development of the story you can simply use Google lens. There's no reason to be so negative about literally nothing. You have no excuse and you are not right.

its reasonable why you're upset because we've been waiting for so long only to come back to a bad translation but you dont have to literally bash them like that
complaining in such an aggressive manner aint gonna give you a better translation it just makes you look stupid
theres nothing you can do, you either translate it yourself or just move on, it aint that deep you can even just go check other websites for available updates if they have any
it was unnecessary to write a whole essay barking about how trashy the translation is
we'll get a better one soon hopefully so calm yourself
Bro be for real right now if you wanna translate at least make it decent than a work that looks half baked, rigid and just not worth our time. We've been waiting for at least a month or two for this piece of shit and what is 3/4 part? Bitch it isn't even all the way the fuck! This is worthless and a piece of shit... A meaningless though the plot looks promising it's the worthless translator that's making the manhwa look meaningless...