Abrupt end?

Nimhun April 19, 2024 4:47 am

I have a feeling that this manga/manhwa will be ended abruptly cuz like..... the plot left a long time ago I no longer know if he will get revenge or just become a f toy and baby maker who is horny 24/7....
Idk anymore but we'll see. My bet is that it will suddenly be rushed and ended

    pancake April 19, 2024 6:27 am

    it has a novel. Leon eventually got his powers back by getting magic mana from having sex and stored it in his earrings. He will get his revenge soon

    elfiemouse April 19, 2024 7:43 am
    it has a novel. Leon eventually got his powers back by getting magic mana from having sex and stored it in his earrings. He will get his revenge soon pancake

    No… NO, it does NOT have a novel. Stop making shit up. This is an original story by the artist who planned 100 chapters and a full plot, but then admitted they were spending more page space on smut than intended.

    Nimhun April 19, 2024 12:01 pm

    Idk what to believe anymore lmao