Just one reference:

And this one:
So yeah, people WERE saying he was a red flag, and they WERE saying he was creepy

People know he is a red flag (he is possessive duh) and a weird… dude this is mangago 2024, people have preferences and how weird of you to not just stoping read it if you don’t like the ML but instead you’re calling people immature for minding their own business. If they like it, so what? You can hate the character but leave people out of your dislike, they just having fun and you’re not.

nah bro calling ppl immature when they act the way they act is the least I can do, unless I wanna ditch manhwa and readers so badly and scram for eternity. But I care bc I had high expectations for this manhwa and the moment i start reading i come across red flags to which ppl respond as if they saw butterflies flying toward flowery field. idk if i'm making mself clear, but the point is, I could just pass by and not call ppl names, but i stuck by since I was dissapointed nobody seemed to have the same feelings i had
love how immature ppl here are in love with jealous ml who has anger issues and overall is a walking red flag. nobody's talking about how creepy, demeaning and annoying he is, also nobody be paying attention to the fact that mc's also kinda displays pretty weird behaviour. dunno, i'll be staying for the time since i'm sure shit will go down sooner or later