It’s not her world, it’s not her life, it’s not her family. Everything is unfamiliar to her, so it would be hard to just accept it, especially since her previous crappy life was about to get better anyway. There are also moral issues with taking over someone’s body and life, as well as what kind of reaction the family would have once they learn the truth.

Idk, i feel like if I woke up In a rich body I’ll be happy asl. Her family is shi, her life was shi, and the only real thing was money she dont even need bc she’s absolutely rich. If she just kept it close to her. Even if she accidentally went back she’ll most likely still have it bc it came with her. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 idk I feel like they could have done something more interesting. For example, why in the heck everyone love her yet she treated like a dirty sack of potatoes. That is more confusing than some money you can’t get back unless you most likely croak

when you lived all your life with everything lacking and you're always on a fight or flight mode, it's NOT comforting to suddenly have everything, especially if it's not 100% by your doing and efforts, the "everything" she have now could very well be gone in a matter of seconds bc it's not "hers" exactly. it's a very scary situation, and it's very common in PTSD patients

that’s what i’m saying, i would understand if she was thinking like that though i haven’t read the novel but rn all she’s worried about is the money she won, she haven’t said anything about missing the modern world or friends or being afraid of their reaction if they found out etc. she did however that one time almost open up to the dad before that meeting scene happened.

as we know she have thought about what happened to the real soleia like two times and that’s It, 20 ch in
i’m guessing they want more readers in the beginning so they have her cope with it by being silly and fighting with her brothers and later on in the story it’ll become more angsty bc rn the only time she’s really shown a traumatized side of her was when the dad raised his voice at her

trauma abt money and lack of needs doesn't really need to be shown to be understood, knowing her past, it's probably very in character for her to not emphasize so much on her trauma. it's very complex and not just so easily shown like physical reactions, so yea. while yea it can also be to attract more reader with the goofy take, most of the time in life, internal trauma about relationship with money food and shelter is often harder to heal and harder to see. her character is actually very relatable for someone going through therapy for specifically physiological relationship with money
she’s hilarious but i’m not understanding why she wants to go back to korea,
it’s bc she wants her lottery money and she wants to share it with her mom but like
1. her mom left when she was young
2. she had a huge debt cuz of her dad
3. nothing goes right with her jobs
4. as the dukes daughter she has way more than 1 billion won
5. it doesn’t seem like she had any friends or lover
i would get it if she was like “i want to go back bc they don’t love Me, but soleia” or she being scared if they found out mc is not her.
also hoping none of her brothers is the ml
update: the ml is the black haired guy she dreamed about at the end of ch 6