Its okay to make a mistake, if you feel extremely bad, you can probably go to police and they could check the cameras and you'll pay for the damage. Youre not stupid because of that, people make mistakes, my mom scratched a car once too by accident and she has driver's license for like 20 years , sometimes just the day, week, month, year isn't going according to ours liking and that very normal.

That happened to me too and I had no clue what I'm supposed to do at that moment so I panicked and ran away... It was my neighbour's car and I spend two nights stressing about it and feeling bad... It happens to lot of us, don't worry too much. Also I ended up without getting punished cuz no one suspected me for some reason (but I still feel terribly when I think about it)

glad you're aware that what you did is wrong, but it doesn't really count unless you own up to your mistake. the car you scratched belongs to someone. have you considered what it would be like if you were in their shoes? like, suddenly there's a scratch on their car, no note, no compensation, nothing. what if that person also has a brother who will get mad at them? basically, what i'm saying is, you should be more empathetic to others, especially because you're aware that what you did was wrong. oh, and it's not stupid to make a mistake... although it is ignorant when you choose to do nothing even if you're in the wrong.
i was reversing and scratched it. i panicked and left the fuck outta here but i feel awful i should've left a note or something but didnt. no one was around but there were probably cameras around?? my car is scratched too my brother is gonna be mad as hell wtf why am i so stupid