Here come "thumbs down" more then likely.

LadyWolf April 18, 2024 5:52 pm

Tak may be a dick for treating Sanho the way he has, but he at least changed enough after Sanho told him he sucked at sex, so at least he's not a complete dick when he comes to them having sex now. Thou now it's Sanho who is in the wrong. He's getting that pissed off because Tak won't say he likes you, well dump ass why don't you say it first? Oh but no, you don't like Tak, Tak is the only one who likes you, so he has to tell you, even though he doesn't like you, well he doesn't know he does yet, same as you, but Tak is in the wrong because you want to be a whinny shit who can only blame others when it all started because of you? Come on why don't you grow the hell up and stop blaming Tak and everyone else for everything. You are to blame for your actions and words, no one else, and this time you are the one who is in the wrong and the one to blame for how it all ended. Don't blame Tak for being the kerk, when that was you!

    justwannaread April 18, 2024 6:45 pm

    You have low standards if for you it's been good that Tak changed how he does sex after Sanho COMMUNICATED with him. Like really? That's what's better for you? That's bare minimum. Sanho is right to ask for clarity and in the first plave he was very adamant about not doing it with Tak cos he felt it was weird and he wants to keep their friendship. Why would Tak do what he did for months if he doesn't like Sanho? That just makes him a rapist then. And isn't it maddening if the person goes defensive and then acts as if it's an inconvenience to say that they like the person they were doing things with? Act like okay let's just date but you got told they don't even like you? What the hell kind of toxic situation is that. This is modern dating in a nutshell. Wait, are you man? Cos your opinion checks out.

    whatevermans April 18, 2024 6:59 pm

    ppl are too lenient on Sanho srsly. though I view them both as morons ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    LadyWolf April 18, 2024 8:21 pm
    You have low standards if for you it's been good that Tak changed how he does sex after Sanho COMMUNICATED with him. Like really? That's what's better for you? That's bare minimum. Sanho is right to ask for cla... justwannaread

    First off, I talked about the sex because that was a BIG change for Tak, yes it was after Sanho talk to him, but how long did it take for Sanho to COMMUNICATED with him? I'm not saying Tak is not in the wrong with how he has treated Sanho, but it's not like Sanho is doing anything to stop him, and don't tell me he can't because all it will take is for Sanho to leave! He's the one going back to Tak all the time, you act like Tak is the only one doing wrong, yes Tak was having sex with him for months, but isn't it wrong of Sanho to ALWAYS go back to a place he KNOWS what Tak will do to him? It's not all on Tak, Sanho is not helping things by always going back.

    Shnho is right to say for clarity, I never said he didn't, but you can't say I'm right that you like me, so tell me I am right; That's not right, sorry but you can't say you know it all so tell me I am right, when you don't. Sanho wants it his way or he gets pissed and that's what happened, Tak wasn't agreeing with him and he didn't like that, and Tak not backing down called him on all the things he said, but in the end Tak is the bad guy, Tak can't get upset and say something mean all because Sanho gets hurt? So because Tak has been a crappy person, he can't have feelings, he can't get mad at his friend? How is Sanho the one who is right in the end because he wanted to clarity Taks feeling for him, but Tak doesn't agree with him? So instead of agreeing he turns things around on Sanho who gets upset and runs off crying, leaving Tak behind?

    In the end they both need to grow up and stop being morons!

    My opinion checks out that I'm a guy? Really? I don't see how, I know who I am. This is my opinion on this, you don't like it, then that's your opinion, but don't judge someone base on their opinion.