Why did ppl not like this? I loved it

Kayfe April 18, 2024 12:31 pm

I found this story years ago and never finished it until i recently found it again so i eagerly read it all in around 3 hrs.
tbh idk why ppl didn’t like this one. for me it was a 10/10 story. It actually shocked me to finish reading this and see that the comments weren’t all positive but actually mostly unhappy.
The characters were realistic, relatable, and for the most part lovable. The story progressed at a good pace. The relationship happened quickly but not too quick that the characters didn’t have a connection. Any misunderstandings were cleared up pretty quickly. The angst was minimal. AND NO LOVE ANGLES, god i hate those to my core. Sure Muyoungs friend liked him and confessed but muyoung was never swayed once. Sure, what his friend did was incredibly shitty with pretending to have attempted, but even then that inconvenience was resolved in 2 chapters or so. The ending was satisfying aswell, everyone ended up happy and living their lives normally! So all things considered i thought it was a good read! 10/10!

Characters good, pacing good, misunderstandings cleared quickly, minimal angst, no love angles, and satisfying ending. 10/10 for me personally. :/

    Jea May 1, 2024 1:34 pm

    The misunderstanding is a bit of a drag and then the author didn't even made a better confession scene to compensate. Also the scene we are most angry is because we feel like the author didn't internalize the feeling of a person who is left by his boyfriend for a friend and after an hour it was all ok for ruining the moment that you both agreed. No one irl will be ok with that.