The ending

Ren April 18, 2024 9:13 am

I don't think anyone is gonna translate the last chapter anytime soon (someone prove me wrong please, I'll gracefully accept defeat) so I'll just spoil it cuz I bought the raws...

Basically, Luca finds Oscar. Luca confesses that he loves Oscar sincerely and asks Oscar how he feels about him. This kinda all happened in the street, so they quickly moved the conversation back to their dormitory. That's where Oscar tells Luca everything he learned when staying with his brother (aka about Oscar originally being omega, but due to outside influences became an alpha). This kinda throws Luca in a loop for a minute, but Oscar explains that it was due to Luca that he began to revert back to an omega. And Oscar is THANKFUL for that, like... I dunno how to explain it well.
REGARDLESS, they both basically confirm their feelings for each other, kiss, and make wuv :3

The last panel shows both of them graduating happily and with Oscar having a bite mark on his neck, aka basically showing that they're mates now!!! Yipee!! Happy ending!!!

    Yuki May 11, 2024 11:23 am

    finally im at ease on what's gonna happen next. thanks for that!