Biasedweirdo April 18, 2024 8:10 am

im gonna fucking rip all ur hair off until ur bald takashit u dick head!! u know fully well she has a bf after literally spying and listening to them u fucking creepo! ur honestly a pathetic douchebag taking her lunch when she said no and “nOt giViNg uP” on her when she’s clearly not interested and is in a RELATIONSHIP! im also annoyed at girlie for not telling izumi the truth like just tell him bruh so he can punch the shit out of that takashit (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Decaaaakes April 18, 2024 11:40 am

    I'm alsoo upset that she didn't tell him but I can understand her reasons like if he really did beat that mf's ass their relationship would be found out and a lot of the ml's fangirls would target or bully the fl, and fl being the way she is would also probably hide that from the ml