How Taekjoo even developed feelings for Zhenya is what I'm confused about. The novel spoil...

VeryHigh April 18, 2024 7:59 am

How Taekjoo even developed feelings for Zhenya is what I'm confused about. The novel spoilers is straight up shitty.
Can someone spoil me Taekjoo's internal thoughts on Zhenya after the rapes?

    Csilla April 19, 2024 7:52 am

    I can try but idk if I can make it understandable bc english is not my native language and it will be a very long text bc for me everything somehow builds on each other and otherwise it doesn't make sense so sorry for this :( and I wanted to make it clear that I'm explaining the story. I'm in no way defending what happens in the story.
    First let's not kid ourselves, for now the two are enemys. There is nothing between them except an interest where BOTH are surprised why they react to each other like that. Zhenya wants to break Taekjoo's will to live so he basically tortures him in this way. Taekjoo just wants to get out of this alive. After this, Taekjoo destroys the blueprints and the Bogdanov house and Zhenya is rlly rlly mad at him. After he tortures him again he kidnaps him to his private island which is isolated from everything. Taekjoo just wants to escape but realizes that it is impossible alone, so he goes to Zhenya and suggests that they make bets. The winner has a wish, the loser is not allowed to complain. The bets were actually pretty normal activities like fishing, skiing, hunting (animals) or normal board or card games. Since Zhenya always won and I think his wish is clear, Taekjoo had to admit to himself that it was no longer considered as rape. Anyway, after a while Zhenya asked why he wanted to escape so badly, he honestly said that he saw no reason to be here bc there was nothing on this island and he had to go back to his mother. He also noticed that the reason was no longer Zhenya, which shocked him. When Zhenya's sis was there, the two had another big argument bc Taekjoo noticed how much he had actually gotten used to Zhenya, even got to deal with him pretty well and he didn't rlly want this. So he started to fight back against Zhenya again, which didn't end well. After this the island was attacked by Zhenya's family bc they demanded Taekjoo bc he had to be punished for his actions and Zhenya didn't hand him over despite repeated requests and threats, Taekjoo escaped and went back to Korea. There he was also a wanted criminal, but he could not run away bc his mother fainted due to stress and was in hospital. He also always dreamed about Zhenya and he realized that he didn't know whether he was afraid of Zhenya or of pure desire but with all that hide and seek he couldn't care less if it was Stockholm Syndrom or not. When Zhenya found him, he helped him escape from the police. He protected him and was even shot because of it. Taekjoo saw this as a reason to offer him a deal bc Taekjoo didn't want to live like that. He wanted his old life back and didn't want to be on the run all the time. If he managed that, he promised that he would no longer run away from Zhenya. Zhenya agreed and helped him clear his name so that he could live a normal life again. Zhenya then moved to Korea, Taekjoo was able to do his work normally and go on missions again. Zhenya looked after his mother during that time, who also went to therapy and became much more relaxed and gave Taekjoo his space. As far as I can see in the Side Story which takes place a year later, Taekjoo mention that they didn't start the relationship bc they were so much in love with each other and he noticed that he got a weak spot for Zhenya's look and soft side. Zhenya is still the arrogant guy we've gotten to know before all this shit happened. So nothing changes in terms of his character and Taekjoo doesn't want to change anything either. He seems to accept him as he is. There are no more violent confrontations, etc and Zhenya tells Taekjoo that he can do what he wants after Taekjoo told him that he can't decide between Zhenya, his mother and his job bc he wants all of this and can't just throw either away like Zhenya did. Well that's it so far. I hope I described it somewhat understandably.

    Cry April 19, 2024 4:19 pm

    He mostly just assumed that he has Stockholm syndrome from all the rape and keeping him locked up. But tbh it never really goes into full detail of how the two ended up getting together Taekjoo just accepted the fact that he's been tames by Zhenya and ran with it

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ April 20, 2024 2:42 pm

    Taekjo thought zehniya is various and all but inside he is lonely and like a child different from his family live alone in island away from people observing zehniya arc is actually interesting in novel as chapter goes by you realise he is scary guy u need to stay away from as a civilian but for taekjo he is spy and man who trained to be observat over all that living together with zehniya he had no one around him so he observed zehniya lot and developed Stockholm syndrome. Which can't be called love.