LITERALLY LMFAOO but idk i didnt really feel the chemistry with gab and the ml their relationship was kinda just like *poof* ok they like eachother again because fate and gab cant move on AHSVAHAH IDK MAYBE IT MAKES SENSE TO SOME PEOPLE BUT at first i was like “thats it ?????” i thought theyd have like a reunion feeling first yk like maybe a hug and crying or somn but then gab just kisses the guy and boom romance is suddenly happening

like gab and wolf guy is cute like i get it but how they re kindled their romance was kinda boring idk i wish they didnt just go straight to bed creaking or intimacy and actually had like a deep conversation since gab literally thought wolf guy died for so long (bro was mentally not fine) and i was surprised he didnt like burst out crying or at least have a moment where he questions the guy if he’s real pinching him and but instead he just straight up kissed him HAHA oh my god i may have ranted to much
The people that was disappointed Gabriel didn’t end up with his RAPIST