
Hmm Sam, which event are you talking about? <spoiler warning!!!> Cause you are right that in the end Konosuke did transform to look like Shiranui cause he though that would make things easier and ended up not embracing him.
But Deathscythe is referring to the father's ghost possessing Shinichi and using his body to have his wicked way for one last time before crossing over with Shiranui, which sadly happened... so yea this manga is incest-ish/ has incest.
Isnt this a little incest-ish? I mean soujiro used shinichis body to hold shiranui one last time and shinichi is pretty much their child. And then konosuke is the cousin of shiranui who ended up with shinichi.................
Well they are dieties and i dont think it applies to them...and well manga universe....