something that always bugged me about this story

Moon April 16, 2024 5:39 pm

juha’s mom was so kind, she wouldn’t want kwonyoung to blame himself.
kwonyoung’s father on the other hand, is completely to blame I wonder why there’s no consequences or realisation on his behalf and why other characters are chummy2 with him. even after that he still thinks he got the right to feel disappointed in kwonyoung, after causing all of kwonyoung’s problems… but I guess that’s more realistic

    Bibi April 16, 2024 6:15 pm

    I think his dad would be too stubborn about his views and fail to validate Kwonyoung's feelings about being pressured to an exaggerated extent, because that would mean he would admit he made a mistake despite wanting perfection so much he was pushing his son like that. It's pride and ego that gets in the way of a healthy relationship.

    You can't change your parents nor the mistakes you committed because of them not being good guides, but you can take responsibility instead of feeling helpless and change yourself.

    I think Kwonyoung is a good example of this, although imo he took too much guilt and blamed himself to the point he was straining his mental health, which was also an obstacle.

    Taking responsibility while being gentle with oneself is the way to go, at least so I believe. I hope he won't work for the company, because if he's having to think so hard to make a choice, it's quite clear it's not in his wishlist lol. He just doesn't know what options could he opt for instead, and so he has to take his time to find his vocational career.

    Moon April 18, 2024 10:21 am
    I think his dad would be too stubborn about his views and fail to validate Kwonyoung's feelings about being pressured to an exaggerated extent, because that would mean he would admit he made a mistake despite w... Bibi

    but I really don’t like how everyone’s okay with it and treating kwonyoung like a problematic child. and juha is all kind towards the dad. wanna see him standing up for kwonyoung more.

    but the author wrote it to be realistic(i like it too) so I won’t expect the characters to be all heroic/self aware

    Bibi April 18, 2024 5:25 pm
    but I really don’t like how everyone’s okay with it and treating kwonyoung like a problematic child. and juha is all kind towards the dad. wanna see him standing up for kwonyoung more.but the author wrote i... Moon

    I agree, it's frustrating to see the dad doesn't take a single blow after treating his son like that. I don't like neither the dad nor the sister because they both treat Kwonyoung like he's a brat when he's traumatized and confused. The dad is the actual worthless guy because imagine having a business to support your family to end up neglecting it! Beats the purpose of making money.

    Tbh Idr the past chapters so well on this specific matter I'm going to discuss, but I have the impression of the sister not wanting Kwonyoung in the family business and then telling Kwonyoung as if it was a command to join it now without considering his feelings. Idk, first you don't want him because he's problematic but now you do and just because she thinks so, he should go and do it? She never really cared about his mental health, how can she have the guts to act like she's doing him a favour with her oh so generous offer?

    Regardless they're both selfish ppl, perfect for the business world I guess. I don't want to see Kwonyoung mixing himself with that kind of environment when he's healing with Juha.

    Bibi April 18, 2024 5:32 pm
    but I really don’t like how everyone’s okay with it and treating kwonyoung like a problematic child. and juha is all kind towards the dad. wanna see him standing up for kwonyoung more.but the author wrote i... Moon

    Also, abt Juha not standing up for Kwonyoung I can agree as well, I think he's a people pleaser and I am too, but when it involves ppl that have hurt my family I stop giving a fxck and I stare at them like they're the biggest pos alive, I'll also oppose them on everything they talk about.

    I also should say I don't see how joining the ILBI group for Kwonyoung makes sense? Like yeah that's your bf's family's business but they always excluded him from it lol. Maybe it's benefitial for the money but like Kwonyoung doesn't really feel fond of the business xD