
Sleeplessnights April 16, 2024 10:59 am

Hey, I thought season two was canceled years ago. I know that the author had an outline of season two already done when it was canceled but seeing as there are new chapters for season two, does that mean that the story is coming back, or is it just coming back for a few chapters? I can’t re-pick this up, knowing that I won’t get the ending

    Nickla April 16, 2024 12:26 pm

    It's come back ! (≧∀≦) The author completely changed the plotline to season 2

    Ronnie April 16, 2024 4:09 pm
    It's come back ! (≧∀≦) The author completely changed the plotline to season 2 Nickla

    So it doesn’t follow the first season at all? Are we going to have a bunch of questions? I haven’t started reading because I’m afraid it won’t connect or continue with the first season

    nanassi April 16, 2024 5:48 pm
    So it doesn’t follow the first season at all? Are we going to have a bunch of questions? I haven’t started reading because I’m afraid it won’t connect or continue with the first season Ronnie

    it was supposedly cancelled over six years ago but came back at the end of last year

    when it was cancelled, season 2 already started. but when the author came back they said they are redoing season two.

    so season 1 and the CURRENT season two are connected. season 2 that was released in 2018 is not canon now

    Sleeplessnights April 17, 2024 1:05 am

    Omg thank you so much for the clarification everyone!!! I was super devastated when it got canceled but now that it’s back its time for a rerun!!!!!